A REMINDER: WE ARE CREATED IN GODS IMAGE By Pst Julian Rogers Khan - TopicsExpress


A REMINDER: WE ARE CREATED IN GODS IMAGE By Pst Julian Rogers Khan Jr. Imagine even in the sub standard Monarchies, diplomats of the world today, it is seen as despeakable when one behaves in ways that is morally unacceptable to the norm of their society. God feels aggrieved when we, though having a form of Godliness, denying the power thereof (2 Tim 3:5). (Psalms 139:14) Says: we must praise God for we are fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are Gods work; and that our soul knows what is right. So why do we disobey God? (1 John 4:4, 2 Cor 6:1,2; Isaiah 49:8, Psalms 32:6) On the last day of creation, God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness” (Genesis 1:26). Thus, He finished His work with a “personal touch.” God formed man from the dust and gave him life by sharing His own breath (Genesis 2:7). Accordingly, man is unique among all God’s creations, having both a material body and an immaterial soul/spirit. Having the “image” or “likeness” of God means, in the simplest terms, that we were made to resemble God. Adam did not resemble God in the sense of God’s having flesh and blood. Scripture says that “God is spirit” (John 4:24) and therefore exists without a body. However, Adam’s body did mirror the life of God insofar as it was created in perfect health and was not subject to death. The image of God refers to the immaterial part of man. It sets man apart from the animal world, fits him for the dominion God intended him to have over the earth (Genesis 1:28), and enables him to commune with his Maker. It is a likeness mentally, morally, and socially. Mentally, man was created as a rational, volitional agent. In other words, man can reason and man can choose. This is a reflection of God’s intellect and freedom. Anytime someone invents a machine, writes a book, paints a landscape, enjoys a symphony, calculates a sum, or names a pet, he or she is proclaiming the fact that we are made in God’s image. Morally, man was created in righteousness and perfect innocence, a reflection of God’s holiness. God saw all He had made (mankind included) and called it “very good” (Genesis 1:31). Our conscience or “moral compass” is a vestige of that original state. Whenever someone writes a law, recoils from evil, praises good behavior, or feels guilty, he is confirming the fact that we are made in God’s own image. Socially, man was created for fellowship. This reflects Gods triune nature and His love. In Eden, man’s primary relationship was with God (Genesis 3:8 implies fellowship with God), and God made the first woman because “it is not good for the man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18). Every time someone marries, makes a friend, hugs a child, or attends church, he is demonstrating the fact that we are made in the likeness of God. Part of being made in God’s image is that Adam had the capacity to make free choices. Although he was given a righteous nature, Adam made an evil choice to rebel against his Creator. In so doing, Adam marred the image of God within himself, and he passed that damaged likeness on to all his descendants (Romans 5:12). Today, we still bear the image of God (James 3:9), but we also bear the scars of sin. Mentally, morally, socially, and physically, we show the effects of sin. The good news is that when God redeems an individual, He begins to restore the original image of God, creating a “new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness” (Ephesians 4:24). That redemption is only available by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior from the sin that separates us from God (Ephesians 2:8-9). Through Christ, we are made new creations in the likeness of God (2 Corinthians 5:17). To receive Him: 1. Repent of your wicked ways/sins (Matt 3:2, Luke 13:3,5; 15:7,10, Luke 17:3,4, Acts 3:19; 17:30, Rev 2:5,16; 3:3,19) 2. (Romans 10:9,10) Believe heartfeltly in Him & confess with your mouth that He came from Heaven, died & resurrected as your lord & Saviour. 3. Always find time to read particularly the Gospel of John & pray for wisdom & guidance of The Holy Spirit (pro 3:5-7) 4. Find a Christ centered covering/ Church that does not focus on materialism ( financial gospel, excessive pledges, multiple unbiblical offerings etc). Please understand that the Gospel is not for sale, and is certainly not a competition, but a Divine Commission for the purpose of winning the lost souls of the world. Mercy Radio 101.0fm Freetown SL all the Gospel to the world +23276978161. To visit our prayer meetings in Africa: Sun 09:30, Mon & Thurs 7pm @ 24 Decker dr off regent rd Lumley Freetown Sierra Leone. In the UK: Sun 8am, Mon & Fri 6pm text: +447961868097 facebook/julianrogerskhanjr facebook/mercymissionintorg mercymissionint.org thanks for liking our pages, God bless you as you Honour Him.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 12:22:57 +0000

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