A RESPONSE TO MUSLIM BASHING BY (AMIR) ISHAQ D. AL-SULAIMANI Let us look at Orthodox Judaism: Where woman are segregated and can only pray at a ridiculously small section of the wailing wall.Female Rabbis are beaten up and Orthodox males wake up to a prayer which thanks God for not making them a woman: The history of Judaism,Christianity and Islam are equally soaked in blood. The only difference is that Secularism and Pluralism has contained the Jewish and Christian fanatics. There is a reason that Americans so dearly treasure the separation of Church and State. There is also a reason that Europeans fought so hard to bring the brutal Papal States to an end. I will gladly join in the SECULAR fight to contain fanatical Islam in the same manner that it has successfully contained fanatical Judaism and Christianity. However I will not join in a hypocritical game in which Christianity and Judaism pretend to be the moderate force. SECULARISM HAS THROWN JUDAISM AND CHRISTIANITY IN JAIL WHERE THEY ARE LEARNING REHABILITATION SKILLS WHILE ISLAM IS STILL A WANTED FUGITIVE!
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 00:20:43 +0000

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