A RT. HON. PETE THE POCKET ROBINSON QUOTE, ....NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW, EVERYONE IS EQUALLY SUBJECT TO THE LAW. LOYALIST GANGSTER HAS 161 PRESS OFFICERS WORKING FROM STORMONT TO CON THE PEOPLE, THATS 3 TIMES MORE THAN HITLER. 8 December 2012 at 09:17 . Most news in Northern Ireland isnt generated by news outlets, its generated by government and bodies funded by government. That statement by political commentator Newton Emerson came before his revelation that the power-sharing executi ve at Stormont employs 161 press officers which is more than all the newspaper journalists in Belfast. ............................................................................................................... BANGOR SEAFRONT 22 January 2011 at 09:40 hi jilly, could you ask your legal team if they can find any reason which makes sense, as to our 1st. ministers involvement with adam armstrong. maybe im just being silly, but, its not very patriotic when one banks off shore. come to think of it, its not very patriotic, when the 1st. minister,shows so much favour, to a guy who loves money so much, that, he is prepared to live half his life, outside ulster, rather than give back something to the country and, its leader,who made this all possible. i just wish someone could put my mind at rest Peter, should walk down our Bangor seafront,were he will see even the pigeons, are crying out for assisted suicide. the whole of north down held to ransom, looking for help,asking themselves why did peter ask the dup to back the developers? then the RT. HON.PETER makes his move. he hands the same people the mill mount rd. site? another £60 million to be banked off shore. i say any man who can treat the people, he claims to serve, with contempt, that i cant find any benchmark,similar,to describe its enormity, if i were to take a wild guess, sure it has to be nero. regards bill Stormont has 161 press officers, more than Belfast has journalistsguIncreasingly hard-pressed media simply repeat press releases
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 08:41:59 +0000

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