A Rainy Morning Devo for you. Have you ever been hurt very - TopicsExpress


A Rainy Morning Devo for you. Have you ever been hurt very deeply and the pain just wont go away? Have you ever needed wisdom or guidance and heaven seems silent? Have you ever felt like God just wasnt there? Wasnt listening? Had abandoned you? Me too. Sometimes walking with God isnt easy, and we have to learn how to trust God when honestly, we just dont feel like He is there or helping. Read Genesis chapters 6 -9:17. (Yeah, read it all. What else do you have to do on a rainy Saturday?) It is the story of Noah and the flood. I want you to imagine this man named Noah who is trying to obey God with his life. God says, Good I see you are obedient. I am going to put you in a boat and send something you have never ever even seen before.... Rain . (It hasnt rained on earth up to this point). So Noah obeys and trusts Him. (Look specifically at verse 6:22...Noah did ALL that God said.) and imagine seeing this stuff falling for forty straight days from the sky. Thats a lot of rain. And God didnt communicate with Noah during the rain . No site of the sun. Just rain. No sign of God, just rain . No blue sky, just rain . He had to be thinking.... Did God forget all about us? Does He even care? But he stayed the course and gets mentioned in the famous faith chapter of scripture, Hebrews 11, where God said Noah was righteous because of his faith. And it continued to rain and Noah looks out of that boat and the Bbile doesnt say this, but most likely he saw people dead bodies, debris and dead animals floating all around. Sometimes the evidence (the stuff we SEE) indicates our little worlds are coming to an end. (Remember what faith is though? Hebrews says, Faith is the substance of things hoped for . . . THE EVIDENCE NOT SEEN.) The world had literally come to an a seeming end for Noah. He had to be thinking it was over for him. But Gen. 8:1 says, But God remembered Noah... I love it when the Bible starts a sentence with BUT GOD . . . because you KNOW something incredibles gonna happen. And if you continue reading, you will see the precious promise and covenant God made with Noah. Gang, you can trust God in the rain of life. Jesus promised we would have trouble in this world. That part was promised. Rain will come. BUT GOD... This too is promised. He said, Be of God cheer. I have overcome the world. Your God remembers you. He conquered death for you. He died, and the power of God raised Him from the dead, and that power is now in you. Remember Jeff and Is favorite verse? His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge (stay in the word) of the One who called us by his glory and excellence. 2 Peter 2:3 HIS POWER is in you. He remembers you when life is flooded by rain. You may not see Him, but you can trust that the same God who carried Noah through the first flood will carry you too. Always. Always. Always. You are loved . https://youtube/watch?v=YZsRU6-3MTc
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 11:06:30 +0000

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