A Randy Houseboy Part 18 ”Close your mouth!” Snaps madam. - TopicsExpress


A Randy Houseboy Part 18 ”Close your mouth!” Snaps madam. Why do you look so suprised? All the time you have been 4king me you did not realize I could get pregnant? It is yours becos my husband is impotent! Did I invite you to my room the first time? Better face it, you are going to have a baby soon and you mightv just have murder on your hands too.” By now we are almost at home and I am highly agitated! Different thoughts swirl thru my mind! Etim, Baby, Madam, Acid water, Prophet, Police, Doctor Who! What have I gotten myself into? I look at madam again, she laughs and pats my thigh, ”Dont worry Okon it will be o.k. You hear?” I nod numbly. Some few metres to the house she stops and gives me a 1000 naira note. ” Buy mtn 750 for me and 200 for yourself across the road”. I disembark with my mind still reeling and cross the road, I am so engrossed in my thoughts I do not see the speeding truck. The next thing I hear is madam screaming my name and the sound of screeching tires. I try to leap out of the trucks path, I almost succeed, almost but not quite. The trucks smashes into me and throws me across the road. As I am in the air my whole life flashes thru my mind. The last thing I think of is the baby in madam’s tummy and darkness engulfs me I seem to be floating above my body. A crowd has gathered, they are all screaming . Madam is rolling on the ground tearing out her hair. It is so touching. I walk up to her to tell her its ok, but it is all in vain. I cant touch her, she cant see me , she cant hear me. Suddenly I am hurtling thru a. tunnel. At the other end is a long road and I start walking up the road. After a while I see someone ahead of me and I quicken my pace to catch up. When I come close I realize with a jolt that it is Etim! ”Etim!” I gasp. He spins around just as suprised to see me. ”Okon! So fast ? What happened to you?” I narrate the latest events and he shrugs indifferently. ”All that is past now”. I nod in agreement amnd we both continue down the road to our condemnation or redemption. I walk behind Etim soberly. So I am dead? All becos of kitty. I start wondering if I would make it thru judgement. I try to pray for forgiveness, then I remembered I should beg Etim for mercy, ”Etim the food you ate was poisoined, ” He waved away my explanations impatiently ”I know all that now. It does not matter anymore, just get ready to face your judgement , I am thinking of mine too”. After that we continue in silence. Not long after We hear a shout and spin around someone is motioning me to stop. When the person comes closer I recognise him, its oga!!! WATCH OUT FOR PART 19
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 07:39:28 +0000

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