A Rant about all these articles saying that the new 802.11AC high - TopicsExpress


A Rant about all these articles saying that the new 802.11AC high speed wifi will kill the 5Ghz band.. My response to these idiots writing articles like that (Its a LONG RANT): People need to STOP trying to scare people about 5ghz being overcrowded! Its NOT going to happen! QUICK SUMMARY: 5Ghz signal is to weak to penetrate walls, floors, etc to cause problems with neighboring wifi networks. So let them be overcrowded, its not going to cause problems, or if it down very little slowdown due to low background noise Here is why, and it doesnt take a tech genius to know why I have a 2500 sq ft house. Until yesterday, I had ONE router - An Asus RT-56NU. My 2.4Ghz band I could use effectively in MOST of my house.. but it went to heck where my TV and PS3 is because my neighbor (and my subdiv has lots no less than 3/4 acres) uses ch 7+11 so EVERYONE else piles up on one... Anyway back on track.. once I go downstairs, my devices either cant even SEE the 5GHZ, if if they can use it, I get about 1-2Mbit DL on an internet test. I have a business TWC docsis cable modem as I work out of my house 100Mbit DLX20UL Step outside, and you cant even see my 5GHZ... Fire up InSSIDER on my laptop.... downstairs my 5GHZ signal is -70 to -80... thats useless... Step 20 ft outside.... -90 to -100.. at those levels... thats TOO low to interfere with anyone else. Ok lets take an apartment... someone above and below uses AC chances are in the apartment below the 5Ghz signal is -70 to -80... In the person below, their router will have their 5Ghz signal -30 to -50 depending how close they are... again that will have a VERY slow SNR ratio with the other router I also upgraded to ASUS newest flagship AC router and it lets you cram the transmit speed all the way up to 200mW.. I did that... guess what? I got.. MAYBE 5db more.. and 5GHZ was still USELESS downstairs.. Right now for 802.11N theres only 8-9 channels for use in the USA... for AC.. theres actually 23-24. However the router wont use them if it senses conflict with weather radar, etc. This WONT be an issue for most people. So for AC, you have THREE TIMES the channels in the 5Ghz band! So Im a computer engineer and lan/wan engineer, and Ive been doing cable drops since the early 90s. I ran a cat 7 cable (so I could have a future backbone in the house of 100gps) into my attack and down to that corner in my LV with crappy signal. I put my Asus 56 RT56NU there.... Now here is what my wifi looks like Upstairs: AC ROUTER/AP 2.4 Ghz Upstairs, SSID: Athenon-2.4Ghz @ 20Mhz, CH 1 5.x Ghz Upstairs SSID: Athenon-5Ghz @ 80Mhz, CHs 44,48,80,84 Downstairs: My old Asus RT56NU in AP only mode 2.4 Ghz Upstairs, SSID: Athenon-2.4Ghz @ 20Mhz, CH 11 5.x Ghz Upstairs SSID: Athenon-5Ghz @40Mhz, CHs 36&40 I live in Charlotte, NC, USA, and this router supports DFS so Im allowed to use other channels because theres no weather radar Now I can set my ipad 5 and iphone 5s (same with my other half) and roam anywhere in the house and get strong 5Ghz. I only keep the 2.4Ghz running because the ps4 wont use 5Ghz (same with Xbox One).. Again, I step outside... after 24-50ft, you CAN NOT see my 5Ghz network... InSSIDER sees it at -80 at 25 ft and -90 to not showing between 25-50feet So all this crying that AC will run the 5Ghz band is hog wash and scare tactics 1) AC opens up about 23-24 channels in most places - tripple the channels, but when 160Mhz AC comes out, that will take EIGHT channels 2) 5Ghz wont interfere between houses (even ones close together) 3) It might interfere in close apartments, but chances as the signal in your apartment will be so strong the SNR will be too low to cause problems (if it did, you could invest in a booster, or a 2nd AP). OR Heres a novel concept. You can use the SAME channel as someone... Overlap is the worst as it causes SNR.. the SAME channel sort of shares the same bandwidth... each router on the same channel pauses while another talks.. this is ok for 1-3 router of light to med use.. any more and you have an issue.. But by point is, its NOT going to kill things... Plus AC is only a fleeting stepping stone to AD which uses the 60Mhz band... and with a frequency THAT high, its going to go a LOT less farther than 5Ghz
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 20:08:23 +0000

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