A Real Life Scary Planchet Experience with an Evil Spirit - TopicsExpress


A Real Life Scary Planchet Experience with an Evil Spirit Sagarika Ghoshal > This story is completely based on a real-life incident. This isn’t a concocted story. It happened with a few girls (including me). They were residing in a renowned student’s hostel of Pilani, Rajasthan. 20th December 2003 The students, who were not appearing for the board exams, were leaving for winter vacations to their native place. The 10th and 12th grade students were not supposed to go for the vacations as they had to stay back for extra classes for Board exams. We all bid goodbye to them and went to our respective rooms. In the evening, after the dinner, junior and seniors students went to the auditorium for the movie show. That day the movie was horribly boring. Me and few of my friends (including seniors too) decided to go back and indulged into Planchet (it’s a method to call the spirits). We used to have scary fun by doing Planchet, but it never worked out. We cooked stories, and used to tell it to other fellow students about our experiences with ghosts. They literally believed us. That day was not different from the rest. We switched off the lights, lit the candles, brought old coins (1-2 paisa’s), made a circle, and then hold each other’s hands. As usual, nothing happened, no spirits, no spookiness, nothing at all. I remember, after completing our stupid and childish Planchet game, we all went to sleep. That night, the hostel seemed as a haunted place. It was creepy. Well luckily, the night passed peacefully. 21st December 2003: We woke up early in the morning, and went for our extra classes, and came back to our dorms, late in the evening. After dinner, we again had a matinee show, and we didn’t skip it today. That night, a friend of mine experienced something; she couldn’t forget that for the whole life. She woke up in the middle of the night, and went to attend the nature’s call. She saw a blurred image standing right behind her on the mirror. She kept on staring it for a while, and then she became unconscious. 22nd December 2003: Early in the morning, we found her lying on the floor, and her body was cold as dead. She was hospitalized immediately and remained unconscious for the next few days. She faced a near to death experience that night. It was a fright night for her. On the same night, another friend of ours, who was involved in the Planchet, experienced something supernatural. She found her favourite tennis ball outside the mess, which she had lost on 20th. As soon as she got the ball in her hand, she started feeling low. She skipped the meal that day and preferred to rest in her room. After few hours, she too was hospitalized, and when she came back to senses, she told us that someone tried to choke her to death. She said the ball was on her chest, and she couldn’t see anybody, but somebody was sitting on her. Things were worsening. Many of us were hospitalized in a serious condition. In fact, one of them was admitted in the ICU, and was under serious trauma after witnessing a battered and terribly scary face, which was sleeping next to her, on the bed, in the night. 24rd December 2003: A senior student, who had experienced such paranormal activities earlier, consulted an occult, and suggested all of us to stay together until the spirit go back to her own world of dead. She later told us that, this time it’s not fun, unintentionally, we have invited an evil spirit, and now to send it back, we all have to do the Planchet and, somebody has to shed their blood. 25th December 2003: it was Christmas, and in the midnight we came together, created the same setup, though with less people, as most of them were in the hospital. We got an indication. Perhaps, someone was around us. Geetika Di (experienced senior) took a knife, and gave a deep cut in her hand, and immediately dropped her blood around the Planchet. Without any further delay, she bandaged her cut because it is said that, the evil spirit gets into the body of a living being, through their blood. After 25th December 2003, I don’t remember that we ever talked about doing Planchet, or anything related to evil. Thanks to Geetika Di, because without her help and guidance, nothing would have been possible. All of my friends recovered soon, but they still couldn’t forget those scary things that happened to them. This was the first, and the last time, I experienced something spooky. I won’t forget it ever, at least in this life.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 18:21:58 +0000

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