A Real Man A man may be able to put across a great image with - TopicsExpress


A Real Man A man may be able to put across a great image with enticing words, but it could simply be a cover for hidden shortcomings, or he could just be totally faking it to get the girl. 1) A real man values more than just your looks. Is every compliment from him about a different body part? A real man will value your personality, your kindness, your intelligence, and who you are as a person, in general. 2) A real man will never be intimidated by your motivation. A man who has goals for himself, will want to be with a woman who has goals for her own life, too. He will never feel intimidated or threatened by a woman who goes after what she wants. He will want to be part of a power couple, rather than a dictatorship. Be mindful of anyone who tries to keep you from pursuing your dreams. 3) A real man will have more interests than just you. You should be a priority in his life -- but he needs to have a life as well. Interests, friends, hobbies, aspirations. If a man works his entire life around you, its a red flag -- relationships should be a great part of your life, but not encompass your whole life. 4) A real man will give you answers. No matter how awkward or uncomfortable a situation is, a real man will approach it, and you, with respect. A mark of a mature man is how he handles conflict, criticism, and less-than-ideal situations. A man will not beat around answers or make excuses. If there is something you two need to talk about, he will talk about it 5) A real man is direct. A real man has no mind games or manipulation in your relationship. A man will be direct, to the point, and honest with you and with kindness. 6) A real man will trust you. As long as you havent betrayed his trust, a man will NOT be paranoid, or snoop around invading your privacy to make sure youre not doing anything bad. He will have confidence in your relationship. A boy will project his own insecurities onto you, and like termites in a house, will eat away at the foundation of what youve built. 7) A real man is cool, calm, and collected. It should be understood that part of what comes with the territory of having a girlfriend, is dealing with her getting hit on. If shes out with her friends, it goes without saying that your girlfriend will get hit on every once in awhile. Instead of letting his primate instincts prevail and beating his chest like an angry gorilla to scare off competition, a confident man will calmly make his position known, and understand that youre still faithful and committed lovers at the end of it. 8) A real man will show you respect. Nothing signifies an empty shell of a man more than someone who disrespects women, animals, or children. A real man will treat you with the respect that you deserve, never force you to do anything youre uncomfortable with, and never mistreat you. Be honest enough with yourself to walk away from any situation that is dangerous to you, physically or emotionally. 9) A real man will put effort into your relationship. Boys are generally emotional and just look for one thing from a woman. A man, will do what it takes to make a woman happy, both inside and outside of the bedroom. Your happiness, is his reward. A real man will make you want to be the best version of yourself, without changing who you really are. A man will empower those around him. He will strive for greatness and therefore inspire others to strive for it as well. 10) Acknowledge the fact that he is not perfect Dealing effectively with our difficulties and problems requires appropriate emotional control, acceptance of realities, chatting out a course of action, and finally taking preventive measures to keep future problems at bay. A real man has contrite heart. He says sorry. He is apologetic and forgives. He doesnt project the gloom of his life to the innocent. He listens, understands and communicates effectively. He love loves and takes care of those he loves. A real man keeps the promise!
Posted on: Thu, 10 Jul 2014 08:12:30 +0000

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