A Reality Wake Up Check Reality comes in many forms. One day - TopicsExpress


A Reality Wake Up Check Reality comes in many forms. One day you wake and don’t like what you see. You realize that the American Dream is just that, a dream, an illusion, a buzz word to keep you trying to catch that carrot that has been dangling in front of you. You come to the undeniable reality that the carrot has been moved so far in front of you, that there’s no way you can ever get near it, let alone catch it! This “reality wake up”, normally comes later in life. For me it took almost 60 years to realize that unless I won the lotto or some sweepstake I wasn’t going to ever get out of debt unless I died or went Chapter 7, or sold about a half a million copies of my books. But you keep trying to get out of the debt situation by working on whatever idea you come up with to make a buck. That is no way to live, and living in that situation just shortens life and sadly for some that is a peaceful thought and permanent way out of what has become the American Nightmare. Too many people have been sold a bill of goods that is geared to create the illusion that you can become whatever you want, but the reality is you will become whatever fate has in store for you. Millions of people toil all their lives never to get anywhere. Many of those people are well educated, hard working, and extremely intelligent, but for some unknown reason they never make it. They die poor or deeply in debt, living the illusion that one day they will reach that point where they owe nothing and own something. Unfortunately, no one ever owns anything in America anymore. You stop paying tax on it or if the government wants what you have, or you get old and your government master tells you that you are too old, they will take what you think you own… You merely lease everything from the government, you never really own anything. Now to my point… This is why America cannot survive as a free country and will inevitably become an enslaved society. The majority of the Sheeple will never wake to see the reality and go on dreaming the illusion until the day they drop dead. I hate to be so negative, but it has become glaringly apparent to me that being just another brick in the wall is a depressing death sentence. Unfortunately because we have allowed the government to own us, we can never ever live free like our founding Fathers had envisioned. Not unless millions more wake up and not like what they see. Not unless millions wake up and scream at the top of their lungs that they don’t want their government to bail out every big business like the Banks, Auto Industry, Healthcare System, and any other business they deem royally entitled. Nothing will ever change until that day happens. The deck is stacked against you. If you or a loved one gets sick or loses work and the cash flow starts flowing out faster than it comes in you wind up in debt…Now many will say you must live within your means and that is a great metaphor, but unless you live in a tent down on the river bottom and can live off the land, you sometimes can’t. Food, Utilities, House Payment or Rent, medical bills, now forced on you, can put you in debt whether you want to be or not! And if you have credit cards that you had no problem paying when times were good, that you can’t pay after some turn of fate hits, well you wind up in the American Nightmare along with millions more in the same situation. Yet your government won’t bail you out! No,… only if you are too big to fail and that indeed is a Socialist Fascist society, not a Free Republic. Inflation has had allot to do with Americas problems. Back in the 60s you could buy a home for under 20 grand that was a nice middle class home and you made 16 to 20 grand a year for the middle class wage. So you could conceivably pay off a house in 10 to 15 years without a problem if you wanted. But the spin doctors of greed and finance spun a web of propaganda that you should buy a new home every 5 years and always buy up… Yea, in other words buy a more expensive home with a higher mortgage. Then in the 70s tricky Dick took us off the Gold Standard and inflation went through the roof as did the cost of houses… Yet the average wage stayed the same so more people were pushed into poverty by no fault of their own. Proud, once middle class folks were now lower class poor folks who were unable to buy a home and in many cases were finding it hard to pay the rent. For the first time in American history a single family wage earner could not support his or her family and both mom and dad had to have a job just to make ends meet. Well, it has only gotten worse and in the early 2000s we had a crash but nothing was learned and nothing has changed. So there is no doubt that the second Great Crash is coming and it is coming sooner than most will believe or admit! So get ready because once again the fun is just around the next bend on this rollercoaster called the New Great American Nightmare!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 18:47:26 +0000

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