A Relative Timeline: St. - TopicsExpress


A Relative Timeline: St. Thomas and the International World 1856: The Declaration of Paris outlaws privateering. (This came at a convenient time with the slow down of slavery, privateering would affect profitability more.) 1861: United States Civil War begins. (The continued opposition for and against slavery continued in the United States just as it was in the Caribbean.) 1865: United States Civil War ends with more than 620,000 dead from fighting a war for control of America as a union and decisions regarding African Slavery in that country. During African Slave Triangle more than 100,000,000 (one hundred million) Africans were killed and lost their lives and were reduced to ignorance and the victims of violence. (Southern lobbyists were interested in the United States purchasing St. Thomas and St. John Virgin islands to reintroduce slavery to the islands. A sum of 7.5 million was offered and was not approved in the U.S. senate in 1868.) 1870-71: Franco Prussian War saw France lose to the Germans. After the conflict sides were being taken to rebuild alliances, trade partners and economic support during this period. France in 1904 had to find new friends and reestablish old ones leading to British, and Russian alliances to counter what was on the Prussian or German side: Italy, Austria-Hungary called The Triple Alliance in 1882. (World War I precipitation) 1872: An African in America was born by the name of William Monroe Trotter and he became the first Black member of Phi Beta Kappa. He founded the Boston Guardian a militant newspaper in 1901 to counter discrimination and he co founded the Niagara Movement in 1905 but refused to join the NAACP because he thought that they were too moderate. (The Mongoose from India was being introduced to kill snakes.) 1875: The German Gothic style of handwriting was still commonly used in Denmark... (This is evidentiary of the Danish/German connection) 1883: Karl Benz invented the first practical automobile after working on his four stroke combustible engine combustible engine from 1878. Ford motor company through Henry Ford revolutionized of mas production through the assembly line system. (Sixty years later their were 12 automobiles in St. Thomas) 1914: Tensions in Europe with rampant militarism nationalism June 28 saw the slaying of Archduke Francis (Franz) Ferdinand an heir to the Hapsburg throne of Austria and Hungary (Austro-Hungarian). Killed by a Serbian who was associated with a revolutionary group that wanted to overthrow the Austrian-Hungarian leadership. Austria finally attacked Serbia after giving them an ultimatum. Germany an ally of Austria - Hungary made ultimatums to Russia because France was also mobilizing on behalf of Russia. Germany attacked Russia because they did not stop the mobilization efforts and France and Great Britain joined in and attacked Germany. Austria -Hungary of course went to war with Russia by August 6th. (World War I precipitation. America takes over the oversight of the Panama Canal due to German U-boat potential to infiltrate the United States security and started the pursuing interest to purchase the soon to be United States Virgin Islands) 1915: Women in Denmark get the right to vote. (Crucians lobbied for St. Croix to be included in the new purchase offer for the Virgin Islands.) 1917-1918: Great Britain occupies Palestine after the Ottoman War. • Lenin takes over Russia officially turning it into a communist state upholding the ideology of Karl Marx the father of communism. Russia was a monarchy before and controlled by Czar Nicholas II and his wife Alexandra Feodorovna before the Bolsheviks killed the entire family in July 1918. (Danish West indies, a part of the Virgin Islands were being sold to America. America wins against the Germans.)
Posted on: Sat, 21 Sep 2013 01:57:10 +0000

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