A Remedy for Sin Scripture reading: 2 Samuel 11–12 Key verse: - TopicsExpress


A Remedy for Sin Scripture reading: 2 Samuel 11–12 Key verse: Psalm 51:1 Have mercy upon me, O God, According to Your lovingkindness; According to the multitude of Your tender mercies, Blot out my transgressions. After God exposed David’s sin with Bathsheba, David’s heart was filled with remorse. His spirit was crushed by what he had done, and evidence of his sin and subsequent repentance is found in 2 Samuel 11–12. At one point David’s shame became so great, he cried out: “I have sinned against the Lord.” Notice David did not deny his sin or excuse it. No. He owned up to what he had done and sought God’s forgiveness. When we confess our sin to the Lord, we are in essence agreeing with Him that what we have done is wrong and not in keeping with His moral standards. At that point we acknowledge our sin and decisively turn from it. That was what David did. Sin has its consequences. Bathsheba became pregnant with David’s baby, who later died. Not only did David have to endure the sorrow connected with his sin, but he also had to face the death of his son. Yet we never hear of David wallowing in guilt and shame. He sought God’s forgiveness in humility and then set his heart on continuing to be the king God had called him to be. When you sin, pray as David did. Know God’s mercy keeps you. Confession and repentance are your hope. The moment you seek His forgiveness, He restores you. And it is there that you will find His love is unchanged by your failure. I thank You, Lord, that Your love is unchanged by my failure. Thank You for providing a remedy for my sin.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 10:29:25 +0000

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