A Report on BBC News says that a study shedding light on the way - TopicsExpress


A Report on BBC News says that a study shedding light on the way key hormones affect the brain could pave the way for new fertility treatments, researchers say. The Imperial College London team studied five women with hypothalamic amenorrhea - a condition common in athletes, which makes periods stop. The Food Doctor says women, watch your weight! One of the most important factors for female fertility is weight. Body mass index (BMI) is a standard measure used to assess whether you are under or over your ideal weight. You can calculate your own BMI by clicking on the following link Having anything other than a normal healthy BMI can interfere with fertility by disrupting the body’s natural hormonal balance. This is why there is a strong link with high BMI and polycystic ovarian syndrome, menstrual irregularity, infrequent ovulation, endometriosis and increased risk of miscarriage. Women who have a high BMI also have a significantly lower chance of success with IUI or IVF treatment.
Posted on: Tue, 06 May 2014 06:20:00 +0000

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