A SALUTE TO THE BRILLIANCE OF MEL BROOKS AND HIS 1974 MOVIE “BLAZING SADDLES” THAT PREDICTED DIRECTLY AND COMPLETELY THE TRAVAILS OF THE SOCIETY WHEN A BLACK MAN IS APPOINTED OR ELECTED TO THE HIGHEST OFFICE IN THE COMMUNITY. 40 years on after the world was run over by “Blazing Saddles,” am I the only person to realize that Mel Brooks predicted what would happen if an African-American senator from Illinois was elected POTUS; not once, but twice? My best friend in all the world, and I’m serious about this, believes that Chevy Chase’s “Christmas Vacation” movie is funnier than Mel Brooks movie, “Blazing Saddles.” He recently sent me a text that “Christmas Vacation” is the number one watched movie at this time of year. My response was that George W. Bush was elected president two times so the popular opinion of the American people is worth, sometimes, bupkis. By the way, when someone posted on Facebook that “W” had dressed up as Santa Claus to give away presence, my simple response was “even a broken clock is right twice a day.” I am not posting this to attack this pedantic, predictable, plotting, inane, mindless, mentally insulting, how many times will Chevy Chase get something stuck to his fingers and take a pratfall of a movie. That would not be nice in this holiday season. So as I said, I will not attack that incredible waste of 97 minutes of my valuable time not to mention the four dollars I had to pay to rent it on Netflix or wherever I rented it from. So I’m not complaining about any of that. What I have realized about “Blazing Saddles.” that will never happen as “Christmas Vacation” ages. By the way it was about 1000 years old when it was released and had to of really stunk up the place when played in a large theater or any size theater or any group of more than two people. Anyway, the only thing the movie “Christmas Vacation” proves is that once again: “a broken clock is right twice a day” https://youtube/watch?v=upvZdVK913I
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 02:49:07 +0000

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