A SECRET TO A HAPPY AND LASTING MARRIAGE AND A SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIP. It is so sad that the very thing we complain about is the very thing that holds the solution to our problems. Almost all relationships and marriages break up because of one simple reason - TRUST. Everybody enters a relationship/marriage hoping to be able to trust the partner throughout. And we think the joy and eternity of relationship or marriage is to trust. So when the trust is broken, our hearts automatically get broken also. Then you hear the broken hearted folk crying, I trusted him but he has disappointed me. I cannot trust her again. I never expected this from her...it is over! Many times we hear of this complains. And if you have ever been broken hearted you know surely that it was because your trust was broken. So then, lets ask what the real problem is: IS IT THE TRUST THAT WAS BROKEN OR THE TRUST THAT WAS GIVEN? I believe the problem is not the trust that was broken but the TRUSTED THAT WAS GIVEN? There is no way we can disobey Gods word and never be punished for it. We always read the Bible but we either overlook the commands or we choose where we think it is applicable. First of all, the Bible never commands us to trust our partners. It rather commands us to love them. So if you trust your husband or wife, you are making a big mistake and it can affect the marriage or relationship. You may ask, B.I.C., are you saying it is okay for my partner to cheat or lie to me and I should just not care? Well, that will be a mistaken interpretation of what I am saying. What I mean is clearly spelt out in Jeremiah 17:5, Curse is any person who trusts in another man. I dont think your partner is not a human being. As long as he or she is a person God says it is a curse to trust him or her. Everybody is capable of disappointing you in one way or the other. The prophet Micah was even specific: Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a guide: keep the doors of thy mouth FROM HER THAT LIES IN YOUR BOSOM. (Micah 7:5) If scriptures say dont trust the woman lying in your bosom do you have to trust the man lying between your breast? Of course no. Why? Because only God knows the heart of men. Surely, the husband of the Virtuous Woman in Proverbs 31 trusts her so much. But sincerely, no man or woman can reach her standard because her nature is absolute perfection and her standard is too high for you to expect from your partner. Bible says she does not hurt her husband throughout her love. Now, are you sure your partner will never hurt you throughout his or her life? He/She will never do something to offend or disappoint you till death do you part? If he will, then he/she does not deserve your trust. This is not to mean be suspicious of your partner and go about with negative view of him or her. What the scripture says is TRUST NO MAN. Everybody has the potential to disappoint your expectations. Meanwhile, where there is no expectation there is no disappointment. If you dont put your trust in your partner and you dont over expect from him or her, you will face no disappointment and you will be able to handle every heart breaking situation with ease, knowing that YOUR TRUST IS IN GOD ONLY. In the end, you can easily forgive and never make mountains out of every hill. What you should now do is this: Trust rather in God that He (not your partner) will keep your marriage/relationship in good shape. And pray always for your partner that God should empower and strengthen him/her in every human weakness and temptations. Dont imagine him or her will do you any evil. Think of what is right and beautiful, leave the rest to God. David said, The Lord shall perfect that which concerns me. (Psalm 138:8), so shall the Lord do for your marriage/relationship. Trust God.-K.C.SEBASTIEN
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 06:05:18 +0000

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