A SELMA REVIEW FROM A YOUNG BLACK MILLENNIAL (video) So, does it matter that powerfully relevant (and disturbing) events that also took place, historically, in response to MLKs leadership, did not make the movie Selma? Or, should we just be happy that Selma was [well] made in its current form? Hmmmm.... I remember being in Oakland, CA visiting my late, over 6ft tall, great-grandmother (on my father figures side), when we both were watching Alex Haieys Roots. At one point, and the scene was relatively brutal, her false-teeth rattled, as she busted up laughing. Because of being greatly disturbed by the racist cruelty I was witnessing on TV, her laughter was eerie to me, and made no sense. Until she finally spoke. My great-grandmother was not one to use profanity (very very traditionally Christian, of course). But, she did this time, saying, This is some bullshit. Slavery was waaaay more worse than that. They treat us worser than dogs!!. She then got up and walked out the room - disgusted. She knew what she was talking about. My great-grandmother, who was leaning on 90 years of age at the time, personally knew enslaved Africans (her parents), and details of that period very closely. So, do factual details or more details make sense regarding depictions of African-American history and struggle, or should we just be glad such a film as Selma even saw the light of day - in any state? c.manago
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 01:02:53 +0000

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