A SHORT OPEN-LETTER TO HON. OJUKAYE FLAG-AMACHREE. Dear Hon Ojukaye Flag Amachree, Ibate, sir. I hope this letter meets you well this morning. Indeed I am so glad and I want to encourage you to continue to do more of your current Jaguda drama in Buguma and its environs. I would be glad if only you and your wonderful vision-boys would select the real culprits and allow the innocent ones like me have their peace. My dearest Honourable, it is no more news that you, our leader and never-spoken speaker (Rt.Otelemaba Dan-AMACHREE) and the gullible sycophants are the cause of our woes, especially, the not-feasible Trans-Kalabari Highway. You, Otele and the rests were quiet when the Rivers State Government wickedly neglected the Kalabaris in their abroad Scholarship Scheme even when we produce the bulk of the money in the State. This is because, you all supported, aided and abated a sentimental government under Governor Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi. Instead of telling Gov.CRA the simple truth, you all clapped for him for neglecting your own people and empowering his own with the proceeds from our land. And again, it is no news that, you have sincerely tried as Chairman of Asar-Toru LGA, but our big brother the Speaker, cannot and have not sent even one Kalabari Daughter/Son to study abroad with the thousands of Scholarships approvals he signs daily for the Governor. I reiterate, It is not shameful anymore that; the KALABARI people are the least developed in the current administration yet we have a Speaker as the number three man of the State. My Honourable, there is nothing surprising to me again as a Kalabari man. Notwithstanding, it is on records that; the current crop of Kalabari politicians prefers to kill, maim, punish, frustrate, witch hunt, disregard, and excommunicate their fellow Kalabari man for speaking the truth. Our politicians are known for sending thugs and whiskers against whoever that speaks against them. I am covered by the Divine Blood of JESUS. I have had threats, insults, bickerings, and frustrating calls, no worries, it comes with it. I have personally had sane encounters with you (though not too bad) on issues concerning the growth and development of our people. I will not be shocked if I start getting threats again after this innocuous missive. Big bros, nothing surprises me about you guys anymore. I worry about my innocent people. Now to the crux of the matter. I hear you have staged war against your ally (our leader, Otele). This sounds good to my hearing because, by engaging in these fisticuffs, youre both trying to lick your own wounds. I am happy you have now realised how you both have allowed AMAECHI to infiltrate and use your heads against your own people. He made promises and failed us. Today youre fighting your own brother, tomorrow you guys may start killing each other. You both have connived and have betrayed us, albeit, as Chairman of Council, you tried and I appreciate. May I at this juncture encourage you and your boys to continue the torment on Otele and the rests of the failed bandwagon in the Kalabari Kingdom, but also knowing that youll get yours too someday. Truth is, your crop of politicians in the Kalabari Kingdom have desecrated the land. Your actions and selfish aggrandisement have caused us a lot that, today an Abali-Park politician code-named NEW or NWE or na ENW sef now has the temerity and unguided impetus to cow and goad our Kalabari failed politicians. May I say; Good, Gooder, Goodest. The most recent is, using his thugs to beat up some of our Kalabari brothers (though not your party men). Like I said, it is not his fault, you guys caused it. And above all, the gullible Youths in the Kalabari Kingdom gave you guys the opportunity to do so. Thing is, things are falling apart in the Kalabari Land, I smell a hand of the fifth columnist here. They want to divide us and rule us again in 2015, watch it. Dont be the tool to orchestrate this, be wise. I repeat, they want to cause war amongst you guys so that theyll have every reason to pass the baton to another man. Remember party primaries are around the corner, I smell a rat here. My dear Honourable OJUKAYE, be wise. Finally, It is my hope that you extend this fight to others and especially, to the Governor for using you and others against your own people. Honourable OJUKAYE, if you ask me, sincerely Ill say you make peace with Otele and the rests than these fights that may start taking lives, yours too may not be secure because as youre planing more attacks, they too would come with reprisal attacks. But if you must fight, please choose the right field and direct your arsenals rightly, because, Matadors do bull runs in designated areas, not in the market place. Do not attack the innocent people, attack your supposed enemies. We dont want another round of war in the Kalabari Kingdom. This is all about diverting the Kalabari peoples attention away from the Governorship by causing disunity, we are united and we can lead better. This is my one pence senseless sense. I am, Maobuye Nangi OBU Maobuye writes from the betrayed Krakrama Community.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 11:26:52 +0000

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