A SLAP ON THE FACES OF THE PEOPLE OF IULEHA BUBLISHED ON THE PAGES OF THE NATIONS NEWSPAPER OF 30TH SEPTEMBER 2013 PAGE 49 Titled: Open Letter To GOV. Oshiomhole On ihonbvere’s Dirty Manoeuvre To start with, we want to appreciate our able and selfless governor, Comrade Adams Oshiomhole, for the exemplary leadership you have demonstrated in piloting the affairs of Edo State since you took over in 2008. We note with pride you judicious utilisation of scarce resources such that, four year and ten months later, every part of our state has been touched positively by your visionary administration. Your leadership lens are clearly blind to religion and clan in the distribution of projects across the state. Obviously in your conviction that it is only when merit begins to regulate our affairs that we can hope to Achieve our full potential as a people. It. Therefore, did not come as a surprise that in your re-election bid last year, you scored seventy-five percent of the vote, a feat that is unprecedented Edo’s electoral history. Even though you hail from Edo North, you not only beat your arch rival with a wide margin in his ward but also his local government in his native Edo South. For us, that was an eloquent testimony to your sagacity as a true people’s Governor’s However, we observe with regret that this culture of unity in selflessness our Comrade Governor is working tirelessly to institute in Edo State in being undermined by some reactionary elements within whose nefarious activities only seek to divide our people. A specific example is the incumbent secretary to the State Government, Professor Julius Ihonbvere, the self-styled ‘Prime Minister of Uzebba. By now, it is public knowledge that the Oshiomhole’s administration is vigorously pursuing a bouquet of reforms to reposition Edo’s educational sector. Of course, Key to this aspiration is the renewed focus on technical education to deliver new2 opportunities to our teeming youth population unable to actualize themselves academically. To this end, arrangement has been put in place to open three model technical colleges across the three senatorial Zones in the state. These are in addition the existing one located in Benin which is to be upgraded with assistance from the Canadian Government which, by the way, identifies With Oshiomhole’s visionary promise. Much as this calls for celebration and we would have loved to whole – heartedly salute our able governor for yet another victory, the bad new is that professor ihonvbere is using his powerful office to hijack the one meant for Edo North to be located in his backyard in Uzebba. We gathered reliably that he has already been boasting at his village meetings that he had already sealed the deal, but we understand that the thinking of the Comrade Governor originally is that the institution be sited in the much marginalized Afemai land instead of Etsakor or Akoko Edo. But the essence would be defeated if the initiative is now left for ihonvbere who seems more interested in feathering his own political nest than serving public interest. Indeed, were the Oshiomhole the selfish type, he would have insisted that this be located in his native Iyamoh. We therefore wish to use this medium to appeal to our ever-listening Comrade Governor to reverse this obscenity being perpetrated by the power – drunk ‘ Prime Minister of Uzebba’ apparently in a hurry to make up for his community within few months what he could not achieve for the whopping eight Years he served Obasanjo in Abuja. It is our considered view that, in terms of location, Uzebba is most undeserving of the proposed institution, other than to massage the oversized ego of professor ihonvbere. By now, we should have learnt some hard lessons from our sordid past when projects were sited not on merit but parochial considerations, eventuating either in the still-birth or under – development of such undertaking thereafter. We believe sabongida-Ora is more deserving and better located to host this technical college to fulfill its core mandate which is the provision of technical manpower, thereby accelerating the growth and development of Edo North in particular and Edo State in general. If located in Sabongida-Ora, the Technical College will naturally hit the ground running from day one. We believe the vision of Oshiomhole is to deliver Skilled Labour in the shortest time possible. We therefore call on Comrade Governor to, as usual. Do justice in this case by reversing this flight of fancy By ihonbvere before too late. Signed: Concerned Afemai Professionals UZEBBA IS MORE THAN ABLE TO HOST THE TECHNICAL COLLEGE: We make it bold to call on the perpetrators of this act to show their faces or dare to identify themselves, Professor Ihionvberte is not in their league so we will respond to this foolishness and insult meted on us by those who attempt to cause division amongst us Owan west and if the must know Uzebba is set and more than able to shoulder the responsibility of hosting the proposed Technical school as and if the so called concerned afemai professionals think otherwise the should make funds available to put up another one in their suggested location,
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 14:41:55 +0000

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