A SNEEK-PEEK PREVIEW FROM THE BOOK , "THE BOOGER MAN" - COMING SOON TO AMAZON In doing research for this book, I uncovered a lot of things about our father that I didn’t know or understand before. I now understand that upon my father’s return from the war, he was suffering from what was called “severe shell-shock”. It is now termed post traumatic stress disorder, and is widely seen as a serious physical and psychological illness. In our modern era there is treatment and therapy available for it; but in 1956 men returning from the war were being told to pull themselves together, to be a man and get a grip on themselves. Because he was never treated for his condition, it never really left him. My mother, brother and I became the victims of his illness, and we experienced severe violent abuse from the hands of my father. When he became angry, he was unable to control his emotions and went completely out of control. The beatings and physical punishment from the hands of my father was severe, but the scars from his emotional and physiological abuse remain with us to this day. The trauma of the war seemed to have poisoned and hardened his mind. The daily grind of construction work took a brutal toll on his body, and the pressures of raising a family were becoming too much. He seemed to grow more and more filled with hatred and contempt for what his life had become. He hated us as a family, and I know for certain that we hated him as a husband and father. So there we all were… one big unhappy family.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 02:28:28 +0000

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