A SPECIAL HAPPY THANKSGIVING DAY MESSAGE FROM GOD’S HUMBLE SERVANT JUST SCOTT The Bible dictates in the Major Prophet Book of Jeremiah 30: 18-20, “Thus saith the LORD; Behold, I will bring again the captivity of Jacobs tents, and have mercy on his dwelling places; and the city shall be builded upon her own heap, and the palace shall remain after the manner thereof. And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small. Their children also shall be as aforetime, and their congregation shall be established before me, and I will punish all that oppress them.” My WONDERFULLY BLESSED FACEBOOK FAMILY as I beseech GOD’S UNMERITED FAVOR on this TRIUMPHANT and TESTIMONIAL THANKSGIVING MORNING I reminiscence over the fact that we are to be THANKFUL over the little things; because the little things MEAN A LOT!!! Pausing parenthetically, “As you are getting ready to embark upon your THANKSGIVING and HOLIDAY CELEBRATORY AFFAIRS be forever mindful of the fact that, “GOD is the one who allowed everything to take place for HIS DIVINE PURPOSE and HIS MANIFESTED GLORY!!!” Throughout the years we possibly have experienced various THANKSGIVING DAY CELEBRATIONS with our family, friends and loved ones. Some of our families knew that on THANKSGIVING DAY they had to draw names for their secret SANTA gifts before CHRISTMAS; while other families knew that it was important to help feed and clothe those that are less fortunate and you had other families that may have enjoyed being around each other while partaking in a few football games or just staying around the home enjoying a few days off from the drudgery of work, while experiencing a vacation near or far. Whatever, the situation is, let us ALL be THANKFUL for the GRACE and MERCY of GOD because it is HE that has allowed us the opportunity to experience the various affairs that we presently partake in. There is someone sleeping under a bridge, while there is another person on the streets desiring food to eat; yet and still there is someone who has a health situation that will propel them to make some life altering changes. But, we have the activity of our limbs; we have gainful employment, we have families, friends and loved ones to celebrate with and even if we did not have any of that; we should be THANKFUL that GOD thought enough of us in order to wake us up this morning; truly, HE DID NOT HAVE TO DO IT, but, WE ARE SO THANKFUL THAT HE DID!!! This is a day that will be filled with a multiplicity of celebrations; but, let us not lose sight of what GOD has done, is doing and what we pray will continuously do for us, in spite of ourselves. He woke us up this morning before a turkey was carved; He kept our heart beat in rhythm while a ham had not even been sliced; He breathed the very essence of life within us; before we sit down to celebrate with those we hold dear; so on this day and EVERY DAY we should be THANKFUL UNTO HIM and BLESS HIS HOLY NAME for HE ALONE IS WORTHY and without HIM none of what we experience would be possible!!! TO GOD BE THE GLORY for EVERYTHING HE HAS DONE, IS DOING and FOR WHAT WE PRAY HE WILL CONTINUOUSLY DO!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!!!:-) # WORSHIP GOD IN THE BEAUTY OF HIS HOLINESS ON THIS AND EVERY DAY # BE THANKFUL BECAUSE GOD PAID A PRICE HE DID NOW OWE BECAUSE WE OWED SEVERAL PRICES THAT WE WOULD NEVER BE ABLE TO PAY # BE THANKFUL AND FAITHFUL OVER THE LITTLE THINGS AND GOD WILL ALLOW YOU TO BE THANKFUL AND FAITHFUL OVER MANY
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 15:10:34 +0000

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