A SPECIAL NEW YEAR MESSAGE TO EBONYI STATE TEACHERS AND OTHER CIVIL AND PUBLIC SERVANTS OF THE STATE! This is 2015, a year of so many actions. It is also a year of great hope.The opening months of the year are for political campaigns and elections to choose new leaders to occupy public offices and 29th May, almost half of the year, is for the swearing in of newly elected leaders. So, 2015 is action packed and there is every need for everyone to be vigilant because eternal vigilance is the price of freedom. Cast your votes for the Labour Party. Vote Sir. Edward Nkwegu for governor in the February guber election. The Labour Party belongs to the workers. It is a party for the working class. It is a party that will guarantee better life for Ebonyi State workers and greatly improve their conditions of service; including, payment of regular and increased take home pay that can take them home and other allowances due to every worker. It is worthy of note that the Labour Party came on board in Ebonyi State, following the hijack of the PDP by desperate politicians, who insist they must rule us, whether we like it or not. They are going about throwing millions of naira all of over the place, they are building churches and buying jeeps for church leaders so that at the end of the day, these greedy church leaders will tell their congregation that the Lord says they should be voted for. It is a lie. It is jeep and the money they have shamelessly collected and sold their consciences to the devil that dictate the tunes. Ignore them. If you believe them and cast your vote for these desperadoes, you are finished. Ebonyi State is finished. We are finished. This is because these desperate politicians are bragging and boasting that after spending so much to buy the position, particularly that of the governorship, they will use their first one year and six months in office to recover all the money they spent. What that means,my noble colleagues, is that for a whole of 18 months, there will be no salary for Ebonyi workers because they will be the worse hit, and if they dare complain, it is at their our own peril. This is why it is imperative that workers were alerted on time so that they will in one resolve vote for the Labour Party in the gubernatorial election in Ebonyi State. Ebonyi State workers, particularly teachers, have suffered enough in Ebonyi State. Taking them through another round of suffering, is an evil that must be resisted by voting for Sir Edward Nkwegu of the Labour Party for governor, Ebonyi State. The Labour Party is a family party. The symbol is that of a father, mother and child and the motto is Forward Ever. We left the PDP and joined the Labour Party when we discovered that the bourgeoisies, who see the party as an avenue for business and money making were unrepentant. We left to be counted on the side of honour. We left to side the people, particularly Ebonyi workers. The PDP is today made up of oligarchists, who are also anarchists. They are only after their own selfish interests and they go for it by all means and at all costs, including lawlessness. The PDP had dealt with us in Ebonyi State. Time comes in the life of a people when they must look the bull in the eye and take their destiny in their own hands. The Labour Party has come to wipe our tears; tears caused by years of PDP wickedness and heartlessness. Years of unfulfilled promises and broken vows. Our sufferings are not eternal. 2015 promises to mark the end of our sufferings in Ebonyi State. Vote Labour Party. Vote to move Ebonyi State Forward. Happy New Year All!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:50:33 +0000

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