A SPECIAL STORY FOR REMBRANCE SUNDAY THE LOVELY MAN One day a lovely man was walking down his local high street and discovered newly opened art gallery. He was totally taken by surprise he had passed this particular building many times but had never noticed it before. Curiosity enticed him in. He was a great admirer of the works of the landscape masters such as John Constable his favourite being his painting of The Haywain. Once inside the gallery he spied a bench which was immediately opposite a copy of this masterpiece. This work of art seemed to encompass all the love, warmth and sentiment which was lacking in his own life. As time drifted by his daily visits to the gallery attracted the attention of the gallerys curator. So much so that the curator struck up a conversation with the lovely man. He even contrived to take his lunch break at the same time in order to converse with the lovely man. He remarked to someone he now regarded as a friend that he seemed enthralled with this work of art so much so that he seemed to be transported to a different dimension in time and space.There was a wistful smile which played about his lips disguising a tinge of sadness and longing that betrayed his innermost thoughts. The lovely man visited the gallery everyday with his I Pod plugged into his ear playing music by his favourite singer Joe McElderry with the voice of an angel. It had been mid January that he first discovered the gallery and its priceless treasure containing as it did a small piece of heaven. I t was now late October the leaves had fallen from the trees as winter proclaimed its nature. One day his new found friend the curator noticed that the lovely man no longer visited the gallery which he had grown to love. The curator made many enquiries after the disappearance of the lovely man. The curator eventually noticed that more and more visitors to the gallery were transfixed by the painting of The Haywain. He decided to take a very close look at this great master and discovered to his total surprise that there was now an additional person in the picture. Closer inspection under a magnifying glass he was shocked to discover that this figure bore an uncanny resemblance to his friend the lovely man. The lovely man who had identified so closely with this work of art had now finally become a part of it. Life had finally imitated art and the lovely man had now become immortal. In the 1960s American television produced a series entitled The Twilight Zone. This story bares an uncanny resemblance to one of those episodes
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 12:55:14 +0000

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