A SPECIAL THANKS TO Enrico Galvini!!!! - TopicsExpress


A SPECIAL THANKS TO Enrico Galvini!!!! There are plenty different tones for each planet. For example the tones for one year of the earth, the tone for one day, the tone for the whole circulation around the center of our galaxy. Therefor read my other BlogPosts. Each planet has its own frequencies, because each planet needs its own time to orbit around the sun or rotate around its own center. For the moon there are so many different tones because you can measure so many different things from the movement of the moon.What is a synodic moon cycle ? If we measure the time from new moon to new moon – we call this synodic moon. It´s about 29 days and a little bit more. We also could measure the time of the culmination period of the moon. In that case we would measure the time between the peak of the moon in the sky from one day to the next day. We would call this “culmination period of the moon” Hans Cousto describes 7 different periods we can measure from the moon. But for sure we could measure a lot more of different cycle settings if we compare the different connections of the planets among themselfes. Just think about the many moons of planet Jupiter or planet Neptune The longest cycle of the moon/earth/sun setting might be the “meton-cycle” of the moon. It takes exactly 19 years. It takes 19 years until we have the same moon setting and moon rhythm linked to our current gregorian calendar. For example. If you are born at FULL MOON at the 2nd of July, than you can have another fullmoon birthday party at the age of 19, 38, 57 years, 76 years, 95 years, and maybe also at the age of 114 years and so on… All these different rhythms of the moon, earth, sun, and our other planetes in our solar system we can make audible to the ear as rhythm and as sound. The only difference between audible rhythm and audible sound is the speed. The sound is much faster. The frequency is much “higher”29,530588day = 0,00000039HZ ) …we can hear if we double the orignial frequency 18 times. We reach a frequency of 0,103HZ. This corresponds to 6,16bpm. ( bpm = Beats per Minute ) “Beats per minute” is the measurement unit for the speed of a song. It´s a modern and common way to measure the speed of a rhythm or a song. We could double the first audible frequency again for 7 times, to get 7 different tempos which we can work with. Each tempo would be the dubtime ( double speed )of the previous tempo. The most interesting synodic moon tempos for me as a musician are at octave number 20,21, and 22, at a speed of: 49,32bpm ( a very slow tempo for music – can be great for Ballads or classical music ), the next octave would be no. 21 at a speed of 98,63bpm ( in this tempo you could write some faster HipHop or RnB Songs ) and at last: tempo 197,27bpm – this is a very fast swing tempo. All the other tempos would be audible to the human ear but we as musicians won´t use them to orientate, because they are to fast as a measurement unti for Beats per minute in a song. We would divide the high tempos down in half, until we reach moderate dance-able tempos to orientate the other components of our music like drums, melody or voices. The tempo is not the music at all. The tempo describes the speed of the music and how it might be linked to specific cosmic rhythms. It´s an important element of the charakter of the music. In the case that the tempo of a song hits the frequency of a specific planet, there will be interesting resonance phenomenas, which might vary from day to day depending on the specific planetary alignments which occure to different times. Here we can see clearly how time and space is interconnected. These phenomenas will be very subtle. Maybe some of you already noticed that on some days the piano or the guitar does sound just great and on some other days the instrument does not sound perfect, no matter what you try to tune the instrument – it seemed to be a little bit out of shape. Sometimes this can happen if there are disharmonic intervalls bewteen the Song you perform and the actual influence of a planet, or the moon. If that happens to me I don´t tune my instrument with a machine, I tune my instrument by ears, and than it is very easy to catch the tone of the day.The firstaudible sound of the synodic moon we can hear, would be 26 octaves higher than the original frequency. Again: A synodic month is: 29,530588 days= 0,00000039HZ. What is a synodic moon cycle ? If we measure the time from new moon to new moon – we call this synodic moon. It´s about 29 days and a little bit more. We also could measure the time of the culmination period of the moon. In that case we would measure the time between the peak of the moon in the sky from one day to the next day. We would call this “culmination period of the moon” Hans Cousto describes 7 different periods we can measure from the moon. But for sure we could measure a lot more of different cycle settings if we compare the different connections of the planets among themselfes. Just think about the many moons of planet Jupiter or planet Neptune The longest cycle of the moon/earth/sun setting might be the “meton-cycle” of the moon. It takes exactly 19 years. It takes 19 years until we have the same moon setting and moon rhythm linked to our current gregorian calendar. For example. If you are born at FULL MOON at the 2nd of July, than you can have another fullmoon birthday party at the age of 19, 38, 57 years, 76 years, 95 years, and maybe also at the age of 114 years and so on… All these different rhythms of the moon, earth, sun, and our other planetes in our solar system we can make audible to the ear as rhythm and as sound. The only difference between audible rhythm and audible sound is the speed. The sound is much faster. The frequency is much “higher” Moon Patters in the moon room of our former SunMoonVilla - The Patterns are: Increasing Moon- full Moon - decreasing Moon Moon Patters in the moon room of our former SunMoonVilla. The Patterns are from the left to the right: Increasing Moon – Full Moon – Decreasing Moon The first audible rhythm of the synodic moon ( synodic month 29,530588day = 0,00000039HZ ) …we can hear if we double the orignial frequency 18 times. We reach a frequency of 0,103HZ. This corresponds to 6,16bpm. ( bpm = Beats per Minute ) “Beats per minute” is the measurement unit for the speed of a song. It´s a modern and common way to measure the speed of a rhythm or a song. We could double the first audible frequency again for 7 times, to get 7 different tempos which we can work with. Each tempo would be the dubtime ( double speed )of the previous tempo. The most interesting synodic moon tempos for me as a musician are at octave number 20,21, and 22, at a speed of: 49,32bpm ( a very slow tempo for music – can be great for Ballads or classical music ), the next octave would be no. 21 at a speed of 98,63bpm ( in this tempo you could write some faster HipHop or RnB Songs ) and at last: tempo 197,27bpm – this is a very fast swing tempo. All the other tempos would be audible to the human ear but we as musicians won´t use them to orientate, because they are to fast as a measurement unti for Beats per minute in a song. We would divide the high tempos down in half, until we reach moderate dance-able tempos to orientate the other components of our music like drums, melody or voices. The tempo is not the music at all. The tempo describes the speed of the music and how it might be linked to specific cosmic rhythms. It´s an important element of the charakter of the music. In the case that the tempo of a song hits the frequency of a specific planet, there will be interesting resonance phenomenas, which might vary from day to day depending on the specific planetary alignments which occure to different times. Here we can see clearly how time and space is interconnected. These phenomenas will be very subtle. Maybe some of you already noticed that on some days the piano or the guitar does sound just great and on some other days the instrument does not sound perfect, no matter what you try to tune the instrument – it seemed to be a little bit out of shape. Sometimes this can happen if there are disharmonic intervalls bewteen the Song you perform and the actual influence of a planet, or the moon. If that happens to me I don´t tune my instrument with a machine, I tune my instrument by ears, and than it is very easy to catch the tone of the day. Full moon in the morning Full moon in the morning The first audible sound of the synodic moon we can hear, would be 26 octaves higher than the original frequency. Again: A synodic month is: 29,530588 days= 0,00000039HZ. Here I give you just a shortcut how we recieve the Frequency: The “speed / duration of a cycle” of a planet, or the moon, we can measure as well in seconds. We need to think in seconds because Hz/Frequency is a measurement unit which works in seconds. When we have the exact amount of seconds for a synodic month we just need to build the reciprocal of the term to recieve a Frequency in Hz ( Hertz ). In the case of the synodic moon 0,00000039HZ. That Frequency we would need to double 26 times to recieve the first audible tone: G# ( g sharp ) at 26,3HZ, a very very deep and low tone. We can build another octave ( double the frequency again.. ) Again, we will recieve G#(g sharp ), this time at 52,6HZ a little bit higher, but as well very deep, but audible. With this method of finding the octaves we can recieve up to 8 or 9 other tones of G#, each tone brighter and and each of it one octave higher – but always a G#. We can go on until the audible frequencies for human ears will end at a maximum of about 30.000HZ ( 30kHz) If we go another 30 times trough the process of doubling the frequency we would reach after 70 doublings from the original frequency the COLOUR “Bright Orange” – Like the moon when it hits the horizon.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 11:41:21 +0000

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