A SPECTACULAR TESTIMONY FOR THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 2014 ~ The LORD Miraculously Rescued A Sister From Terrorist Attack & Brought Her Home Safely By Angelic Assistance, Just A Day After I Prayed With The Family! (ANGELS ARE GODS MESSENGERS THAT KEEP US IN ALL OUR WAYS EVEN TODAY) Before I share this WONDERFUL & MIRACULOUS TESTIMONY, I just wanna use this moment to give the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY all the Glory, Praises, Worship & Honour due unto His Holy Name for all the GREAT THINGS He has done throughout this MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 2014 which was indeed a MONTH OF NO-NONSENSE...I personally saw the Mighty Move of God With Wonderful Manifestation of His Power More Than Ever Before In My Entire Life. It was in this Month, I saw Heaven opened & the Lord pouring out END-OF-YEAR PARCELS & PACKAGES for His dear Children. Furthermore, There were so many GREAT TESTIMONIES I received from virtually all the people I prayed for as the Lord graciously answered our prayers. In this Month of November, I have seen people literally healed from longtime sicknesses, diseases & infirmities after sharing the message on NONE OF THESE DISEASES SHALL COME NEAR U. As we pray for the sick, God answered & healed them by His Mighty Power - OUR GOD IS TRULY ALIVE BCOS HE IS DOING GREAT & MIGHTY THINGS EVEN AMONGST US. Halleluyah! Well, I may not be able to share all the testimonies now but Ill share this one of DIVINE RESCUE BY ANGELS FOR A BELOVED SISTER. THIS IS HOW IT ALL HAPPENED: This particular Sister left her family in the city & travelled to her village to check up some things but initially there was no terrorist attack in the village. After some few days of stay over there, the village was besieged & forcefully taken over by the terrorists. As there were gun shots all over the place, everyone was running for his/her dear life, though some were shot dead. They ran to the bush to escape & hide as well as herself, she was there for some days. Her husband & children in the city were so troubled & disturbed bcos they didnt hear a word from their mother. They werent sure if she was dead or alive bcos there was no means of communication at her hideout. Early last week, I happened to visit the family & asked abt their mother but they sadly told me that they dont know here whereabout bcos they havent heard from her since the terrorist attack in the village. On Sunday the 23rd Nov., 2014 just after service, i still noticed her absence. Then I was led by the Holy Spirit to pray with the family for her return. I still remembered clearly in the prayers that I said some of these words: LORD PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON HER, SEND FORTH YOUR ANGELS TO BRING HER HOME SAFELY. PROTECT & HIDE HER FROM EVERY EVIL. WHEREVER SHE IS NOW, I COMMAND THAT YOU WILL GO FORTH & LET HER BEGIN TO COME BACK NOW, LET HERE RETURN HOME BEFORE THE END OF THE WEEK. After the prayers, I declared to them that their mother will soon return just before the end of that last week...I dont know if they thought i was only claiming faith to comfort them but it was what the Lord told me & so I told them too. Do u know that God Miraculously brought her home safetly just the next day which was MONDAY 24th November, 2014. The LORD is faithfully indeed to honour our prayers. When I saw her today, I personally asked her how she came home, she told me that it was MIRACULOUS & that it was just the HAND OF GOD that brought her bcos they was no way out of the village as it was blocked, no entrance, no exit. But God still made a way where there seems to be no way. He made a way in the wilderness. The LORD used someone somehow to take her out of the village through the desert. BUT I KNOW THAT SHE WAS RESCUED BY ANGELIC ASSISTANCE AFTER THE PRAYERS. GLORY BE TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST...AMEN, FOR HIS MERCIES ENDURETH FOREVER...AMEN. What is that situation ure faced with at the moment, I want to declare unto u that GOD IS ALIVE & HE IS UP TO ANY SITUATION AT ALL TO DELIVER U WITH HIS OUT STRETCHED ARM & NOTHING CAN STAND AGAINST HIS IRRESISTIBLE POWER. GOD CAN SEND FORTH HIS ANGELS TO RESCUE U & TAKE CHARGE OF U BCOS THEY ARE MESSENGERS OF GOD & MINISTERING SPIRITS UNTO THE SAINTS OF GOD & BELIEVERS IN CHRIST JESUS. FOR THIS NEXT MONTH OF DECEMBER, 2014: As we step into NEXT MONTH OF DECEMBER, 2014 which is the MONTH OF DOUBLE PORTION from the Lord Himself, I strongly believe God by UNSHAKEABLE FAITH in the UNFAILING NAME OF JESUS, the Name that is Higher above every other names, that u will receive an OVERFLOW OF GREAT BLESSINGS FROM THE LORD just before the end of this year - IT IS A MIRACLE OF MERCY! Only Cooperate With the Lord & Serve Him faithfully with ur whole heart, ur mind, ur spirit, ur soul, & ur body and do all what He requires of u to do, Seek Him Daily & His Righteousness & All These Things Shall Be Added Unto U In Jesus Name...AMEN, AMEN & AMEN!!!
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 22:44:38 +0000

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