A SPEECH DELIVERED BY THE DIRECTOR OF THE CAMEROON INSTITUTE OF BIBLICAL STUDIES, P. O. BOX 73 BATIBO, IN AFFILIATION WITH THE SUNSET INTERNATIONAL BIBLE INSTITUTE, LUBBOCK, TEXAS, USA; DURING THE 1ST BATCH STUDENTS GRADUATION AND PRIZES GIVING CEREMONY ON THE 7TH JUNE 2014. The D.Os of Mezam and Momo Divisions. His Royal Majesty, the Fon of Batibo, Elders and Deacons of the Lord’s Church, The Dean of Ministry Training, Central and West Africa, And Representative of the President, SIBI; The Directors of other Bible Schools, Ministers of the Gospel, Invited Guests, Gentlemen of the Press, Distinguish ladies and gentlemen, All Protocol duly observes. Permit me to first and foremost start by thanking the good Lord that made it possible for us to successfully assemble together this day to witness this epoch making occasion. His love for us has no boundary. Equally, I want to appreciate all of you for the effort you have made to personally attend this occasion despite your crowded programs, thank you for being with us. We are here today to witness the Graduation of the 1st batch of students of our great Institution, the CIBS and equally to give prizes to deserving Christians who have sacrificed in one way or the other for the growth of the school and God’s Kingdom on earth in Cameroon. Our aim is to encourage all to serve more in His vineyard. In fact, when we started this laudable project of training men for service three years ago, many folks did not actually know our mission, many thought we were joking, but today some are realizing that we are on a serious business for the Master. Our mission which is that of training those with passion for saving souls and keeping souls saved is a challenging and rewarding one. The legendary Apostle Paul realized it when he charged his son Timothy with these words which am equally borrowing to charge our graduating students today, ‘ You therefore my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, the same commit to faithful men who will teach others also, you therefore endure hardship as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No man engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, so that he may please him who enlisted him as soldier. And if a man competes as an athlete, he is not crowned unless he competes lawfully. The labouring farmer must be the first to partake of the fruits’ 2 Timothy 2:1-6. The training of faithful men and women for effective leadership and service in God’s kingdom, and the training of men to fish others for Christ and to mature the saints is not a joking venture, but that which brings one a blessing here and hereafter. We all will agree that the moral standard in some members of our congregations and society is decaying day by day. Some are preaching heresies and what Apostle Paul in Galatians chapter one verses six to nine described as ‘ANOTHER GOSPEL’. We have the challenge to see that men and women are properly equipped with the truth, as able spokesmen of the word of God to go out and preach the true gospel. I want to submit here that, every profession on earth deserves adequate training and preaching of the gospel is not an exemption. Preaching of the gospel is a noble profession and the preacher’s proper training will enable them to proclaim effectively the whole counsel of God. Therefore, congregations should see the importance of having trained ministers and leaders to serve them. Note that, a preacher is more than a medical doctor. A medical doctor struggles to save life but a preacher aim is to lead souls to be saved eternally. We are proud to announce here our affiliation with the Sunset International Bible Institute, Lubbock, Texas, U.S.A; which is on course. That is why we are blessed to have Brother Dan Goodyear, Dean of Ministry Training for Central and West Africa, SIBI, and Sister Joyce in our midst today. We want to believe that very soon everything will be formalized and we will kick start our degree program. We exist today as a school in a borrowed apartment, with hope that tomorrow we will move to our permanent site. We lack enough space to demonstrate our gardening and livestock farming as we should. To our graduands, having spend good three years with us doing no other business than studying the Bible and learning some vocational skills, I want to charge you to hold on to the truth and let that be your guide, let what you have learned be known and seen in you anywhere you go. Remember, you are to serve and not to lord over the flock of God. We are sending you out as ambassadors of Christ and CIBS, Batibo. Let the Bible be your only dependable tool. It would not be proper for me to conclude this speech without publicly saying thank you to all of you who have contributed in one way or the other for the success story of our mission efforts in Cameroon. Brother Gene Adams and the leadership of the Southside Church of Christ, Richmond, California, Roger Kondrup and the leadership of the Salisbury Church of Christ, Maryland, Tim Burrow, Dan Goodyear and the Sunset International Bible Institute, Lubbock Texas, David Arny and family, Elder Obot Essien and family, Dr. Effiong Inyang and family, Sister Forju Mary, Ndie Emmanuel, Tagu Armstrong, D. W. Cliver, my beautiful wife Margaret and kids, my family members, friends and all of you deserve our special appreciation for your partnership so far. Truly, no space for me to list all your names, but the good Lord knows your efforts and will give His reward to you. You have been a great source of encouragement to us. Special thanks go to the Provost of the C.A.O.Essien Bible College, Ikot Usen – Nigeria, the Director of Darrell Memorial Bible Institute, Obudu- Nigeria, The Director Buea College of Biblical Studies for their partnership with the Cameroon Institute of Biblical Studies, Batibo. We thank the Coordinator, Newlife Behaviour International in Nigeria for coming to conduct the seminar for the first time in Cameroon. We solicit your continual financial and moral support to enable us achieve our goals. We pray God’s blessings and journey mercies as you travel back to you homes in Jesus Name. Prince O. Ituen CIBS Director, P.O. Box 73, Batibo, North West Region, Cameroon. Come, follow me, Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of men Mark 1:17.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 07:30:30 +0000

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