A SPIRITUAL VISION OF THE DESTRUCTION OF NATION CALLED AMERICA, CONCEIVED IN ANGLO-SAXON SUPREMACY, CHATTEL SLAVERY OF MILLIONS OF AFRICANS, AND STEALING OF LAND, AND GENOCIDE OF MILLIONS OF INDEGENOUS INDIAN POPULATION. Up too this time in world history, the evils of British, French, Spanish, Dutch, German Colonial Crimes Have Gone Unpunished. But This is not to say that at some point in the near future, or in later years, That The Diabolical Crimes That Created These False Nations, will not receive the creators retribution. A Quote In The Bible Read Something Like This In Reference To Slavers. For Those Who Stealth A Man, And Selleth That Man, Will Surely Receive Death. I See A Spiritual Vision Of Several Hundred Years Of Conquest, And Crimes Against Humanity By Anglo-Saxon Supremacy. The Building Of A Large Nation, with the development of many technological advances, in Science & Medicine, Mechanical, Military Hardware, along with arrogance, world bulling, and the mentality of thinking one invincible. And finally one day just like Babalyon, It all fell down in a sea of destruction, and the total loss of everything accumulated over a time period of more than 400 years. That it would serve the nation called America Well, Too loose everything, absolutely everything its had built, as punish by the creator of this world for centuries of crimes against its fellow man. That such a punishment, would be fitting, too loose everything gained, and accumulated in 400 years, because of how it was attained, by the crimes against, and the sufferings of so many of Gods Children, Blacks, Indians, Asians , other people of color. I truly believe in this spiritual vision, that events in the future will make this a reality. For No One, Or No Nation Can Maintain Material Wealth, Land, and the oppression of millions for its inhabitants without eventually paying the cost of justice, and being punished for crimes on such a magnitude as the world has witnessed. General Houston.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 02:16:46 +0000

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