:: A STORY OF A BOY AND A GIRL:: :: MY EXPERIENCE AND MY OPINION :: A girl should never entertain a boy or even communicate with him casually, who does not have any respect for her, who only want to be with her to meet his selfish ends and whom she does not trust. She should never do anything that can give anyone a chance to raise a finger on her. Similarly, a boy should never think about a girl even in his dreams, one who does not have respect for him, one whose only purpose is to use boys and one whom he cant trust. It is nothing more than a pervert habit to be submissive to girls and dance on their fingers just because they talk sweetly and employ various tactics to attract boys. You can never expect anything concrete from such girls. They will talk sweetly to you until they need you, until the time you are spending money on them, until the time you are of some use to them and until the time they find you entertaining. They will always talk sweetly in front of you and praise you and make you feel as if you are a king, but behind your back they will jointly laugh loudly and make a loud fun of you and your stupidity. They shall drain you completely and one day when they are fed up with you they will kick you away suddenly without any reason whatsoever. Such girls are expert in speaking lies and also expert in appearing very innocent while speaking those lies. They are expert drama-men in speaking what are called, white lies. Such girls can and should never be trusted for anything. Serving and taking care of such girls is no better than serving milk to a poisonous snake. The biggest blunder that many boys do even after knowing the bitter reality of such girls is that they expect them to change over time. Very few change for better over time. Most move forward on their original path and achieve high level of expertise in their original field. Around six months back someone informed me an incident that happened two years back from now about a boy whom I know. That boy apparently had went person to person insulting and degrading the status of a girl with whom he had been for two years (2009-2011). He apparently had told the public at large as to how that girl had used him for two years. He told that she was so loving and friendly with him and how much he had liked her. How she would go out with him regularly on movies, shopping e.t.c. and how he would buy expensive gifts for her (gifts worth excess of Rs-1000/- were expensive as per his evaluation). He further went on to say that even the friends of that girl used him. Whenever they had a party or where they need someone to spend money, they would invite him and make him spend money. They would all talk sweetly with him. He then told how badly that girl kicked him and insulted him when she didnt need him any longer. He roamed here and there for a long time abusing that girl and venting out his frustration of being kicked. In short, he left no stone unturned to degrade the respect of that girl. I don’t know how much truth is there in that boy’s allegations but it is a confirmed fact that the boy and the girl were indeed together for two years during 2009-2011. It is also a fact that the boy and the girl separated two years back and I haven’t seen that girl or her friends talking to him even once in the past two years. So, there is bound to be some shred of truth in his allegation. May be he was kicked because of his own fault but certainly he had spent some money on that girl and his friends. Certainly, the boy himself was at fault and was selfish and also he isn’t a gentleman because if he was a gentleman, he would never have went door to door insulting the girl with whom he had spent two years even if he was betrayed. He would only have spoken out when it was necessary to defend himself. The fact is that he was with that girl only to meet his selfish ends and because he didn’t succeeded in his mis-endeavors, he went on to collect the sympathy of the people around him. Otherwise who asked him to spend “so much” money on that girl? If the boy was genuine, he would never had spent any money on that girl in the first place. If that girl was a gentle-woman and had really liked him, she would have that much self-esteem that she herself would never have had allowed him to spend any money on her. And if the girl had insisted the boy to spend money on her, he should have politely asked her to spend jointly and equally. If that would have lead to a break-up, so be it. It is better to break up with a girl who wants us to spend money on her without spending any money on her rather than being kicked by her some time later after our pockets are empty. We are not out there to buy girls with our money. We are not out there to burn our parents hard earned money on girls with whom we have no concrete relationship. We are not born to dance on the fingers of girls and carry out their orders whether those orders are right or wrong. We have our own identity and existence. An existence, which in no way is smaller to that of girls. We are powerful but our powers are meant to do and protect the right and the just. Neither we use our powers to wrongly and unjustfully suppress someone nor we use them to serve someone in a way and manner that is not right and in a manner that hurts our sentiments. When we talk of equality, we means equality. Equality is a combination of understanding and compassion wherein we allow the other person to rise to a level that is equal to us but it also contains self-esteem wherein we dont allow us to be unjustfully and wrongly suppressed by anyone. We are out there to like women and care for them, a task for which no money is required. If such was a situation wherein money was an essential factor to care and love someone, then only the rich would be lovers in this world. The poor would be nothing more than machines without any feelings and emotions. The fact was that the boy was trying to meet his selfish ends by one easy way or the other and since he didn’t succeeded; he became frustrated and started crying over the money and time that he had apparently wasted on that girl. This is the actual story. When the fox wasnt able to reach the grapes, she cried that the grapes were sour. That’s all. But was the girl at no fault? Was she very innocent? I don’t think so. What actually transpired between the boy and the girl and her friends are best known to them. The girl at least was at fault by allowing the boy to spend money on her. Similarly the friends of that girl were at fault too. On observing the nature of the girl and her friends over the past two years, I believe with 100% certainty that the girls had indeed made the boy to spend money on them and fooled him for two years. Also I am definite that the girl had indeed shouted on and insulted that boy. So, my question to the girl is… Please tell me how much money had the boy spent on you and your friends over the two years you were with him? Ten thousand, twenty thousand, fifty thousand, one lac, two lac, ten lac??? How much??? How much rich have you become because of him??? Because of some pittance spending, today a boy dares to raise a finger on you. Aaj us ladke ki itni himmat ho gayi ki vo aapke bare mein bol sakta hai. Aaj uski itni aukaat ho gayi ki vo keh sakta hai ki usne aapko two years tak sustain kia. Is the situation so bad that you become happy and pleased on accepting a gift, say a purse worth Rs-1400/- from a person who afterwards go around the world singing about the so called expensive gift that he gifted to you. Is it acceptable to you that a boy who is not worth even a single penny to you today is going around claiming himself to be so rich that he had sustained you in the past??? What the hell is this??? Why do you take even a single penny of anyone and come under the obligation of that person??? Is that person so great in your eyes that you give him the authority to sustain you??? Such an authority lies only with your parents and your family members and not with anyone else belonging to the outside world. No one else dares to spends even a single rupee on you. You are not that cheap. You have your own identity and existence. An existence that no one can displace or challenge. If you need something ask your parents. Your parents have all those Lacs and Crores only for you. If your parents dont have the money, then earn it yourself. If you yourself cant earn that much, then live without money like all poor people do. But dont come under the obligation of anyone. Dont accept even a glass of water from someone for free. Go thirsty if you dont have money to pay for the water. If you want to spend time with someone, spend it like a gentle-woman and yourself take care of your expenses. Be strict on this, whether the other person likes it or not. Who knows what will happen tomorrow? Todays friends and dear ones can be enemies tomorrow. If you do this, then you shall have no reason to carry on a relationship when you don’t need to and to give a fake smile when you don’t want to. You shall then find no reason to be a drama-woman and live a double faced life. Why do you make fun of people and enjoy behind their back? Why do you have the habit of sitting in a group and jointly enjoy and make fun of someone? Why couldn’t you say goodbye to someone politely? Why you always have to shout at someone and insult him? Why are you not able to control your anger? Why are you afraid of anyone? Why can’t you become powerful and fearless? Why do you need support of anyone else to survive? Why can’t you work on your own and live and survive on your own? Why can’t you think and support what is right and just? Why can’t you develop habits that shall not only benefit you but shall also be a source of inspiration for your future children and the people around you? Do you even have the slightest idea as to how much responsibility lies on the shoulders of a woman? Have you ever given a thought as to how these small stupid habits harms a person at every step of life and how these habits slowly weakens a person and make him completely hollow over the period of time? Have you ever realized that the people whom you consider to be your friends are not even going to recognize you when they don’t need you? Have you ever thought as to how much you can loose by such behaviour? What can happen at the maximum if you stand on your own??? You might suffer some losses or might feel lonely and fearful for some time. So be it. Profits and looses come and go. Today’s loneliness and fear shall be tomorrow’s power. You shall become powerful and develop the capacity to live a life of your own. Today’s looses shall be tomorrow’s profits. No one shall ever dare to raise a finger on you. You shall develop the guts to crush someone who dares to confront you wrongly and unjustfully. But that shall only be possible when you yourself are not at fault. Life and the people around us are not that simple and straight. Everything is extremely twisted and the reality is far away from where our vision can reach. We need telescopic vision to visualize what might happen years down the line and accordingly modify our present actions.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 03:46:19 +0000

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