A SURAU (MUSLIM PRAYER HALL) AT TANJUNG SUTERA RESORT IN JOHORE HAD TO BE DEMOLISHED BY THE RELIGIOUS AUTHORITY Recently reported in social media post a Surau Muslim prayer hall at Tanjung Sutera Resort had been instructed to be demolished by the Johore religious authority following the controversy Surau believed being used by other religious Buddhists for their meditation in its religious prayer Acknowledging a Muslims Surau or Mosque being a sacred worshiping place for Muslims prayer they are forbidden or strictly not allowed to be used by other religious activities ot other than religion Islam or if a surau or mosque found to be used by other religion it could be demolished according to the interpretation of Quran verse At-Taubah 107 as stated by the Adviser of the Islamic Religious Council (MIANTJ). With reference to the above mentioned Muslims would believed that the interpretation contradict to the demolition of any mosque or surau but it said that those who put up a mosque by way of mischief and infidelity - to disunite the Believers ..........Truly in the era of Prophet Mohammad s.w.a Mosque or any place of worship ab used by other non-Muslims except forbidden to bring together their idols or conduct idolatary prayer and their religious activities in the Mosque. .
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 12:03:36 +0000

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