A Sales Agent was recently hired in selling animal pharmaceutical - TopicsExpress


A Sales Agent was recently hired in selling animal pharmaceutical products.He came from the province and never had the chance to finish his formal schooling due to poverty.He lacked communication skills and tried to compensate by working harder than most agents in the company. On his first week alone he soldout all of his fellow agents who were more senior than him.He then sent a fax to his boss to report about the good news. Undergraduate Agent:Sir,I am veri hapi to riport, that I sold a lat of pradaks, plis send me more pradaks so I kan sill mur. One of the agent saw the fax and spread to other officemates and they started to ridicule that the new agent didnt know how to spell.News spread fast and reached their boss attention. The boss replied with a memo posted on the bulletin board. Boss:I would like to kongratulate , da nu agent , hu broke rekord sales for da kompani. I would rader hav people who know how to Sill rather than Spill.. Why are we so quick to criticize others for their mistakes but sometimes we are slow admitting our own mistakes? A trending topic between Gov.Vi and Ms.Kris For writing a note which was misspelled and started to bash her for the mistakes she committed. Sagot ni Ate Vi.: Hi Kris...I am being bashed because of your Instagram post.Hahaha..I guess I still have to learn a lot.I take all of this as constructive criticism.I am just human.I make mistakes.To my bashers, thank you.Again thanks for believing in me.Until nextime. Paalala:Kung marunong kang rumespeto,daig mo pa ang edukado.. Sabi nga...unang magbato ang walang sala.. #HangoSaSalaysayNiChinkeeTan #TrendingSaSocialMedia #NobodysPerfect #OnliInDaPilipins #KoRECTO..
Posted on: Fri, 04 Jul 2014 10:13:15 +0000

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