A Seed of Hope A seed of hope is the beginning of every good thing - TopicsExpress


A Seed of Hope A seed of hope is the beginning of every good thing in our lives. Hope gives birth to the overcoming life. It always believes for the best, even in the face of the worst circumstances. For believers in Christ, hope is much more than a wish, yearning or a positive outlook, it is based on the promises of God found in His Word. They are promises to move on your behalf. We can have hope in life no matter what surrounds us, because we serve a mighty God who cares, knows us by name (Isaiah 45:3), understands the desires of our heart (1 Chronicles 28:9), and who knew us before we were even formed in out mother’s womb (Jeremiah 1:5). Recently, we all watched the miracle of Flight #1549. Instead of ending in a disastrous crash, it gracefully landed in the Hudson River in New York City. The outcome was nothing short of a miracle. In fact, it is being referred to as “the miracle on the Hudson” because all 152 passengers and all the crew survived. I thought about the passengers and what must have been racing through their minds in those final minutes before the impact. Amid the cries and prayers, I’m confident there was one thing they all desperately held on to — Hope. Some hoped to kiss their spouse one more time, others to hug their son or daughter, and some to make things right with a friend or family member. As the plane was about to hit the water, they knew their lives were at stake. Many were praying, and all were hoping for a miracle. Then the impact came and an amazing scene unfolded with passengers streaming onto the wings of the aircraft, soon to be stepping into rescue boats. As I watched the amazing rescue, I could not help but think of the many people who feel their life is like this “plane”. They feel it is going down, leaving them only to hope that someday things might be different. Let me encourage you! Perhaps you are facing setbacks with your job or relationships. Maybe you’re struggling financially or the pressures of life are just overwhelming you. If that’s you, there is still hope! God is for you, not against you. His resources are endless, and His power and love know no boundaries. God is on your side. Do not let the enemy, Satan, your own thoughts, or anyone else tell you anything different. Keep hope alive and never ever give up! Look up and expect the miraculous keep hope alive. I am praying for hope to come alive in you. God is a God of more than enough. He doesn’t have any lack. He always has a solution.God is ready to speak to you, to encourage you and for some, rescue you. Let me ask you where your hope is today. Is it in people? Your own abilities? Your job? Be encouraged and build your hope on nothing less than Jesus himself. He is your solid rock in which all other ground is sinking sand. Hope today, hope now! Whoever hopes in God and trusts in Him, will never be disappointed.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 09:08:53 +0000

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