A Sequence leading to Chakra Bandhasana I.32 - TopicsExpress


A Sequence leading to Chakra Bandhasana I.32 tat-pratishedhartham eka-tattvabhyasah Chakra Bandhasana Adho Mukha Virasana (head supported) -forearms, just below elbows on blocks (high side) x 3 min Adho Mukha Svanasana -classic from Chaturangasana Pada Gulphasana Adho Mukha Svanasana -from kneeling, take head to the floor or a support; raise the knees off the floor and come into the pose Uttanasana, feet apart -concave spine into head down Tadasana Urdhva Hastasana Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana Urdhva Namaskarasana Gomukhasana, arms only Paschima Namaskarasana Adho Mukha Svanasana, wearing a deltoid belt Adho Mukha Vrksasana, wearing the deltoid belt -palms forward -hands turned out -palms turned back Pincha Mayurasana, wearing the deltoid belt -palms down -palms and wrists pressing block -palms facing up Supta Virasana (classic) Sirsasana Parsva Sirsasana Virasana in Sirsasana Parsva Virasana in Sirsasana Parivrttaikapada Sirsasana Parsvottanasana, Utthita stage only -arching back and then take the arms up and come into Virabhadrasana I (See how this comes after all the shoulder opening) Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana (chair) -holding the back rung of the chair -arms overhead, hooking the thumbs -Baddha Hastasana -now add a blanket under the sacral/lumbar area (and possibly add height under the feet) take the hands in Sirsasana (head is off the floor) -hands to the front legs of the chair Urdhva Dhanurasana I -feet on blocks, shins to the wall -repeat and walk the hands closer to the wall -hands on blocks on the low side, come up -repeat and walk the feet in closet to the hands -repeat and take the forehead to the wall -repeat coming up, walking in and taking the forehead to the wall with blocks on medium side -repeat as above with blocks on high side Dwi Pada Viparita Dandasana -feet on blocks, elbows to the wall; pumping the shins back towards the wall -in the center of the floor, bent knees into straight legs Urdhva Dhanurasana II Chakra Bandhasana Anantasana -side lying only with a bolster between legs (squeeze gently) Halasana, thighs supported on blocks on chair seat - x 5 min Savasana
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 22:43:49 +0000

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