A Short Story by: Sleeper I recall playing hoops back at - TopicsExpress


A Short Story by: Sleeper I recall playing hoops back at Indiana University with a group of my dorm floor buddies who also wrestled for IU as well as with Bob McCallen (an accomplished high school wrestler himself). We were out at a grade school near Lake Monroe and went there because they had 8 rims. I towered over all these guys and to the lamest of laymen/women, I probably looked quite skilled. That year there was an EXCEPTIONAL IU player by the name of Mike Woodson (presently the head coach of the NY Knicks). On more than one occasion, people told me that he and I looked much alike. Other than our fros, complexion and height (he was taller) thats where the similarities ended. There was a girl scout troop (there were some little boys with the group as well) gathered nearby doing some type of scout activity - about 25 in all. Just shortly after blistering my buddies with a phenomenal 360 degree SLAM DUNK the troop surrounded the court. At first we thought they were commandeering the play field as their own; but alas, this was incorrect and became apparent when we noticed each child had clutched in their wee little hands, a small slip of blank white paper. They tightened their circle around me and the troop leader asked loudly who was afraid? At this point, still perplexed and unsure of what was going on ... well that is until I saw all of my b-ball buds walking off the court and hear Bob Mc exclaim Woody chuckling all the while. At this point, I thought to myself snikies* as all the kids shoved their clutched little hands towards me! In a panicked voice I said ... Oh - no you dont want my autograph! ... to which, she the troop leader said ... Oh what it must be like to be in the lime light all the time - sure we do!. I scanned the surroundings looking for my buddies for a little help but they were off in the distance catching a breather and laughing at my predicament - more like relishing in joy because for the 1st time of the day, they werent on the wrong end of a b-ball ass kicking! ATTENTION BOYS ... PAGING BITTER PARTY OF FIVE ... BITTER, YOUR COURT IS READY! On the fringe of the court I saw a man holding a child and giving me the ole stink eye. To this day I think he knew I wasnt Mr. Woodson and thought he would step up and say something ... surely, as is evident in the attached picture of me during my freshman year, this 110 lb boy did not play for IU! BUT NOOOOOO he stood by and watched me suffering like my boyz and now as far as I was concerned HE WAS A PART OF THIS HEINOUS CONSPIRACY! I came to realize and accept the fact that I was going no where without penning my name for these little germ infested petri dishes called kids ... kids who in my estimation were not even old enough to even know who Mike Woodson was nor have any interest in IU B-ball. With that, I reached for the first slip and with a smile and an occasional pat on the top of a head gave each of them my autograph ... no not Sleeper, the name by which EVERYONE knew me but my alias Bruce Wayne .... err Mike. I happily gave each of them that for which they came ... my name ... MIKE! It was then probably that I first felt the POWER and/or JOY that comes from giving of oneself for another. A pure rush of OXYTOCIN! To this day, I wonder if any of those petri dishes, now grown, still have that prized little slip of paper. Side by side pics of Me and Mike my freshman year and now heading into my senior years! How could anyone confuse us?
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 20:34:29 +0000

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