A Sign Post in the Woods You are at a fork in the road. Ahead - TopicsExpress


A Sign Post in the Woods You are at a fork in the road. Ahead of you lie many, many paths. The first path on the right leads to a doorstep where a doorbell awaits your push. The path next to it leads to the Great Wall of China. On the other side of the wall is a box with the word “in” painted on the side. As for the other paths, I cannot be sure. Some of them lead to dead ends; others to destinations of which I know nothing. The choice you make will affect the outcome of your journey no doubt. Take as long as you wish, but understand also that I, myself, am tired of waiting. In the meantime, here is a ball and there is a court. They are yours. Shoot as much as you want. Thousands will cheer for you as you practice, but I wouldn’t necessarily preach about your game until you’ve actually played one. This much I will tell you. Years ago, I came upon the very spot on which you now stand. I traveled down the first path on the right and discovered the doorstep, only to be scared by the doorbell and what may answer the ring. The path next to it was as of yet, unencumbered by the Great Wall. So I opened the box. And it exploded in my face. I barely survived. As I crawled back to where I had started, I realized that the explosion had also destroyed the doorstep and the doorbell. I had made a mistake. When I finally returned to this fork, there stood a sign. It said only, “Beware the pitfalls of a personal God.” For many years I wandered these paths. I lost my religion as I felt my god S had abandoned me. Only after traveling in circles did I finally realize which way to go. I kid you not, nothing but happiness will answer should you discover the doorstep. Should you happen upon the Wall you will no doubt have the key to its gate. The box on the other side will not explode, and you will find a treasure within. You speak as if you know, and so I invite you to put your money where your fingers are. Should you refuse the first two paths, I will offer a third, down which I have finally walked. This path is no path at all, for I chose to walk straight ahead into woods of the unknown. You are beyond encouraged to follow, but the going will be rough as I have done well to cover my tracks. I will not tell you what lies ahead for I do not know what you will encounter. But please believe me when I tell you there is nothing on this earth, in this galaxy, of this universe, that I want more than for you to find me.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 18:17:45 +0000

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