A Silent Mind Do you fear silence, or welcome it? Do you find - TopicsExpress


A Silent Mind Do you fear silence, or welcome it? Do you find yourself constantly needing chatter, music or TV around you to feel safe and connected? Are you able to be with yourself without being surrounded by noise and action without feeling bored, lonely or depressed? What if silence becalaurel and hardyme your friend and ally – how would your life be different? When we begin to learn to be at peace with ourselves and the world, then silence is not threatening, empty or devoid of meaning, but it becomes a space where we can nourish and enrich ourselves, where we can grow and blossom. Once we understand what silence truly is, we can begin to have a loving relationship with it and we will never fear being alone or silent again. Deep silence – as opposed to simply the absence of sound – is the essence of real spirituality. Internal noise and clutter is not only a distraction, but it also creates blocks and barriers that do not allow us to touch our soul, our spirit within. Silence allows us to go inside and connect with that powerful, confident and authentic part of us that is not accessible any other way. It allows us to find ourselves and BE ourselves. And we can also glimpse the many treasures hidden within.Silence Silence is golden, speech is silver. Silence is deep, words are shallow. In fact we sometimes spoil the moment with words, when silence is the real answer or antidote to the problem. There is a common saying ‘an empty vessel makes most sound’. When someone’s pot of wisdom and self-respect is full, then it is evident they speak less, and they are listened to more. Those who talk a lot and brag about their wares very often have little self-respect. Silence is very satisfying, whereas talking and chatter are never ending. As we create the silence of mind, we learn to weigh our words and say only what is necessary. We do not waste words. We listen more than we speak thus we learn rather than lecture. We let go of the need to prove ourselves and replace it with gratitude and appreciation. We cultivate inner strength to deal with whatever comes our way with calmness and assuredness. A person who is nourished by silence is happy, contented and serene. Just look at the face of the Buddhist monk and you will know that a life of contemplation is indeed a life of joy and freedom. Silence is also purity. We are captivated by the innocent smile of a small baby, entranced by the simplicity of a mind unencumbered by worldly or mundane thoughts. In silence we are able to appreciate every detail of nature and its majestic beauty quietens our mind. Silence gives us solutions when too many thoughts often result in confusion. In silence the ‘penny drops’ and solutions come easily and naturally. When we step away from overthinking about an issue we are able to see the bigger picture, rise above and put it in its proper perspective. Words give us knowledge, thoughts give us understanding, but only silence can give us an experience. Whether it is lotusin meditation, contemplation or prayer, when our pure thoughts take us into silence, only then can we find our inner world. Only then can we have REAL-EYE-sation that there is a whole realm of experience beyond the physical. And perhaps this brings us to the most important aspect of all. Silence is that secret, invisible gateway to a profound, loving and fulfilling relationship with The Silent One. Silence is the only way to hear Him. It’s time… to give yourself the gift of… s i l e n c e … Aruna Ladva
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 03:44:25 +0000

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