A Sisyphean task? I got the privilege of being dattered with a - TopicsExpress


A Sisyphean task? I got the privilege of being dattered with a barrage of nonsense tonight. I dare say, I saw ignorance wield its stupidity in the cloak of advice. ...but anyone can climb onto a stage and talk crap and call it spoken word. It is a lazy mans art form! he said with a face of Narcissus. He is a writer and does not see the need for one to get onto a stage. Focus on serious things like publishing! I spit on you! ...you are the best player when in the spectators seat... It is not easy doing spoken word. It is not easy having to get onto a stage to share a poem...and perform any art form. Many times spoken word has been beemed unfit in the poetry world. Many times it has been thrown out with the husks. Why? Simple, as it is with any growing art form, its credibility is questioned. Now to address the question; are spoken word poets just plain lazy? NO! I could say writers that do not perform their poetry are lazy too. Do you understand what it takes to properly communicate each emotion as intended... but with body and voice? Do you know what it means to stand before a sea of eyes watching your every gesture, listening to your every inflection, rise or fall? ...then there are those that use music... just masking their crap with nice tunes. Let us consider what goes into performing with accompanying music. First and foremost, you must make sure that the story of the poem and the story of the instrumentalists sync. It is a conversation that stimulates the senses. This is creation of art. A marrying of different aspects to stimulate different emotions and senses. Do these things bias the listener? Well that is completely up to the listener. If a listener can not listen and is easily carried away by the musicality of the accompaniment, is that the fault of he or she that stands before you? This is like buying items just because of the branding. We can not force you feel. We can only deliver what we have the best way we feel fit. It is up to you to...well...listen! Why are YOU being lazy? When you listen to a song, do you complain that the snares and hi hats, the bass, the plucking of guitars and such are biasing you? Now, do spoken word poets just jump onto the stage, vomit nonsense covered in butterflies and scented fragrance? A true artist does this thing called practice! That is a must. ...pshh, what about slam.poetry? Even more garbage. Sometimes, you meet people you have no choice but to feel sorry for...
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 23:03:13 +0000

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