A Smokescreen under a Guise Seems the American government has - TopicsExpress


A Smokescreen under a Guise Seems the American government has encroached and become grossly over-expanded for decades. This exemplifies bureaucracy; an unofficial fourth branch of the American government, which are traditionally and officially only three: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. The unofficial fourth might be termed, Administrative. It is expanded Administrative agencies that seem to constrain American lives, squeezing the essence out of the nations defined founding principles, which indeed, contributed to Americas titled perception and recognition as a strong and successful nation. But those founding principles seem diminishing and almost forgotten. For many decades now, a Saul Alinsky scheme and methodology have seemed to quietly prevail very subtly; beginning with hushed infiltration, quite stealth and unbeknownst to most American citizens it has seemed. Why? A nation prosperous and plentiful and wrought by hard work ethics of determinations fruits seemed eventually ripe for agendas intent on dumbing down, fattening and sustaining a happy and oblivious citizenry. And that is, of course, contemporary hindsights overview, hence, a populace that becomes easily managed, regulated and controlled. Perhaps the advent of Internet and social media combined with the inclination of Leftist leadership (likened to Orwells Animal Farm), which has dared champion in recent years an arrogance, conceit and even excessive boastfulness, to an intensity that stirred a rousing American public (farm animals) after recent decades of quiet passivity. Therein, a suggestion ensues that more Americans are increasingly discouraged with an excessively regulatory, seemingly out-of-control and expansionist government at nearly every level. Illegal immigration and criminal infiltrations are causing socio-economic, cultural and political havoc. Criminals are coddled and emboldened, foreign policy is a disaster and the economy is not bouncing back under Democrat leadership. Does it ever? And the country seems somewhat hostage to subtle fundamentalist ideologies, which hinder progress along a Conservative vs Leftist route. Ponder now, however, of the recent show-down between ranchers in Nevada and the Federal agency, Bureau of Land Management (BLM). A group of cowboys, good old boys, proclaimed patriots and others who connected with organised militias combined forces with Nevadan ranchers in a show of solidarity against excessive Federal authority vs states rights and dissension, therein. News clips and videos portrayed a showdown that seemed mostly in-check with regard to authority, yet firmly united, of and for the people. Surprisingly the Federal agency backed down. It therefore seems that rising numbers of the U.S. populace are nearing the climax of quiet repression amid tiresome hypocrisy, morally compromising cultural trends and realising the complicity in which they have been duped by the current White House Administration, which also includes conning by members of both respective Parties, Democrats and Republicans. Duping is, after all, an experienced political fashion and manner of combining powerful alliances and furthering mostly clandestine interests at powerful levels. Most Americans seem finally aghast. A subdued social landscape is still apparent, but socio-political slumber is awakening; perhaps likened to a sleeping giant. There are approximately 350 million Americans. Deception existed long before Obama was elected to office. For reality entails non-exclusive political party deceptions, whereby objectives of greed, power, corruption, lobbies, career political positions, and what more, can only be logically assumed and deduced. I wonder. Without doubt the U.S. Government, key policy contenders, scheme and tactic instigators, power mongers and the like are realising the socio-political tide is changing, and not only globally within the foreign policy range, but amongst Americas so-called heartland. A recent Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) seems little more than a smokescreen campaign aimed to demonise an awakening mainstream America; traditionally associated with the heartland. Those who dared, for example, to stand up to the BLM in Nevada, with militia support, good old boys and others standing grounded last April, are likely deemed in the undertones of Sovereign Citizen movements, the core focus and coinage of a newly recognised threat, per START. . Now would seem the timely political and manipulative fashion for the Feds to begin citing certain demographics as dangerous, particularly those militias arriving from outside states to support the Nevada ranchers, for example. Already there are many Americans who warn dangerous times are soon ahead, detecting somber features on a nearing horizon. The government has become all-too powerful. No one can logically argue against that statement. It brings to mind yet again, the allegations and even minute details long wielded by contemporary conspiracy theorists, who have cited during past years dismal indicators, and oriented from the top echelons of certain power. One wonders about the power and agendas of FEMA, AGENDA 21 and the so-called New World Order. Most people do not succumb to embracing conspiracy theories, but an increasing concern for a more watchful approach of events, patterns, consistencies and adaptation to reading between the lines may well be contributing to emerging levels of consciousness. A sudden reminder that two Ebola patients arriving to Americas shores very recently, and what American officials had past disclosed about Ebola, entails a stark comparison against a very recently downplayed status. What global officials are now saying seems rather contradictory against the downplayed status vs the alarming projections from years past. And now, Ebola is again, deemed at least by WHO experts, an international public health emergency. Lastly, a sudden reminder springs forth again, of conspiracy theorists who have alleged FEMA inventories of coffins, thousands stored in Atlanta. The recent START should be contemplated outside conspiracy theories and within the limits of logic and judgement. The American landscape includes massive infiltration of illegal immigrants, human trafficking, Latin American drug cartels, drug trade and trafficking, race-class-war-mongering and Islamic terror. All are direct and rising threats to Americans, in contrast to a surprising status backdrop of Sovereign Citizen movements, as the recent START concludes. Americas citizens must ponder the core differences between deceptive studies and the defined realms of threat, from and to whom. This is present-day America. - Allyson, 10 August 2014 >>>>> Continue to the link for the i-HLS article, No. 1 U.S. terror threat: Sovereign citizens and the START conclusion.... i-hls/2014/08/1-u-s-terror-threat-sovereign-citizens/
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 21:03:53 +0000

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