A Snapshot From My Reading Today…. For my absolutely committed - TopicsExpress


A Snapshot From My Reading Today…. For my absolutely committed friends, Get This Book and together we can be the change we wish to see in the world!! Tony Robbins new book, “Money Master The Game, 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom” I’ve interviewed literally tens of thousands of people about how they’ve taken something that seemed impossible and woven it into their life. How did they create it? How did you? There’s a process we all go through. It’s a matter of three steps. Step 1: Unleash Your Hunger and Desire, and Awaken Laser-like Focus. Something happens within you: either you become inspired by something that excites you so much that your desire is completely unleashed – you become completely obsessed with it- and you focus on the object of your desire with laser-like intensity! Your imagination is ignited. Or you hit a wall, a threshold, a place inside yourself, and affirm that you will no longer settle for life as it has been. You make a decision never to go back, and you become ferociously focused on the new life or object you desire. It could be a job change, a relationship change, a lifestyle change. You unleash your hunger for it – and wherever focus goes, energy flows. Have you ever experienced this? You brought an outfit, or you bought a car, and suddenly you saw that car or outfit everywhere? How did that happen? Because part of your subconscious mind, called the reticular activating system, knows this is important now, so it notices anything that relates to them because your subconscious makes you aware of the very things you were not seeing before. That’s what’s going to happen as you’re reading this book. You’re going to start noticing the fees charged by mutual funds and hearing about asset allocation. You’re going to start hearing things you’ve never heard before – high-frequency trading! Dollar-cost-averaging!- and they are going to come to life for you because now your brain knows they’re important. Anything that’s important, anything that’s focused on, energy flows into it. And when you have that level of hunger, desire, and focus, step 2 starts to happen. Step 2: You Take Massive and Effective Action. If your desire is truly unleashed and you are obsessively focused on what you want, you will be called to do whatever it takes to make your dream a reality. There are no limits to the energy and flexibility you’ll have in the pursuit of what you want. In your heart, you know massive action is the cure-all. If you’re willing to put in the effort, you’ll get there. You’ve done it before, right? Maybe there was a time when you just had to see the girl you loved, so you borrowed a car and drove all night through a snowstorm to visit her at college. Maybe you moved heaven and earth to get your child into the best school to suit her needs. If it’s a “must” and not just a “should,” you’ll find a way. But there’s one caveat, of course: you need to put effective execution behind all that effort, right? What if you drove through that snowstorm without a map and ended up in the wrong city? You can throw all your effort into saving for the future, but put your money in a 401(k) loaded with high fees and poorly performing mutual funds, and you’ll get nowhere. Or you can invest everything in one company and watch the stock drop 40% in a day. So if you’re willing to do whatever it takes, you still have to execute your plan carefully, and keep adapting your approach. Because effort with effective execution creates magic. This book is your map, your blueprint to take you from where you are today to where you want to be financially. By consistently taking massive and effective action, and adapting your approach whenever it doesn’t work and trying something new, you will move toward your dream, but there’s one final, extraordinary element that plays an important role in whether your dream becomes a reality or not. Step 3: Grace! Some call it luck, coincidence, fate, or God’s hand. I call it grace: the acknowledgment that there’s more in this world than just ourselves, and that perhaps a higher power gives us both the privilege of this life as well as the gifts of insight and guidance when we’re open to them. It’s amazing how, when you take care of the first two steps, God or the universe or grace – whatever you like to call it – tends to step in and support what you’re doing. Things flow to you when you do your part first. We’ve all experienced the phenomenon of serendipity. Something happens that defies explanation, so we call it a coincidence. We miss a train and meet the person we end up marrying. We fill in for a friend, and it leads us to the job of our dreams. We didn’t figure it out in advance, didn’t earn it – it just happened. To me, that’s grace. And the more you acknowledge and appreciate the grace that’s already in your life, the more you experience the gifts that are beyond what you’ve created. I’ve had it happen many times in my life, and I know it’s real. I also know that gratitude connects you to grace, and when you’re grateful, there is no anger. When you are grateful, there is no fear. So, are you ready to become the creator of your life, not just the manager of your circumstances? Do you know what you’re really investing for? An income for life! Are your dreams becoming a part of you, a “must” that your unconscious mind focuses on night and day? Are you willing to do what it takes to make them a reality? Then it’s time to turn the page and do what so many others fail to do. It’s time to make a plan… If you don’t know where you are going, every road will get you nowhere.” ~ Henry Kissinger I have an absolutely sickening work ethic and am willing to do whatever it takes. CANI Till I Die!! Love your life and those around you, follow your creativity and God bless!!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 16:17:58 +0000

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