A Southern California man never thought that a dropped cigarette - TopicsExpress


A Southern California man never thought that a dropped cigarette would result in him being brutally assaulted and tortured by a Los Angeles County Sheriffs deputy. Daniel Johnson, 26, a graduate of University of California, Berkeley with no criminal history, screamed stop, please! and Im not resisting! Im not resisting! over and over as the deputy held him down, repeatedly electrocuting his genitals with a taser in front of his family and neighbors. Johnson explains that after several discharges of the high voltage taser, he could literally smell the flesh cooking off of his genitals. He later discovered that he had in fact sustained multiple burns to the genital region, as a result of this literal torture. Now, Johnson has filed a lawsuit against the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department. Johnson was at his mothers Altadena home, cooking dinner back in December 26, 2012. Thats when a man knocked on the door to inform Johnson that his father was being ticketed for putting out a cigarette on the ground Johnsons father was a 58-year-old disabled man. He may or may not have intended to drop the cigarette, but Johnson explains that the man walks with a cane and often drops things because of severe, medically documented nerve damage in his hands. Los Angeles Deputy Abdulfattah, is named in the complaint as the officer giving a $1,000 ticket and community service for littering. But Johnson tried to explain to the officer that there was a medical condition with his father, and the littering was likely accidental. Abdulfattah told Johnson, I can write you a ticket too if you want, the deputy said. I asked if it would be possible for me to just pick it up, Johnson said. We dont have $1,000 to pay that ticket, he said, trying to plead with the deputy. As Johnson began to walk away to inform his mother of what was happening, another deputy, named in the complaint as Deputy Russell, grabbed Johnson from behind slamming him against the patrol car and into a concrete post. Johnsons parents shouted: leave him alone! He hasnt done anything wrong. Deputy Russell then put Johnson in a full nelson hold wrapping his arms under Johnsons armpits with his hands behind Johnsons head. Thats when deputy Abdulfattah began punching Johnsons father in the face. Then Abdulfattah turned to the restrained Johnson, and used a Taser on his genitals over and over. He was right above me as he Tased me, Johnson explained. Theres no mistake that he was trying to Tase me in my genitalia. Johnsons mother says that the deputy stared at her throughout the whole ordeal, like he was trying to show her that he was able to do anything he wanted to her son. Hes looking directly at me every time he pulls that trigger, and at one point my son says, Mom, Im OK, Johnsons mother, Rose Gonzales said. So at that point, I realize this guy is doing this because I am reacting. After being tortured in front of his family by the officers, Johnson was arrested for battery on a police officer. Those charges were never filed. The Los Angeles County Sheriffs department says that the officer in question is the best deputy in the department. Help get the word out. Contact the Los Angeles County Sheriffs Department at (800) 698-8255, a number assigned specifically for complaints about the Departments deputies. Email [email protected] and demand that these deputies be fired and brought up on charges.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 17:53:51 +0000

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