A Special Shout out to Marilyn Falck- She has 3 sons who are - TopicsExpress


A Special Shout out to Marilyn Falck- She has 3 sons who are railroaders and this is a message that she sent to her contacts!! Thank you for supporting your railers!!! Hi all; Thought I would get off a note again. The fight has begun between the railroads and the men and women who work those trains. Union meetings are taking place in many places, towns and cities. Please take this time to go to my FB site and see the things I have reposted from my daughter-in-laws site. A signature on the petition with the correct information helps to make a stand in preserving jobs and safety for the railers and the communities through which they roll. A visit to the site listed below is even more complete. Feel free to be informed. Every day, every week, every year I see the erosion of our basic freedoms; life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Please be an active part of keeping those things that have made America strong and a viable influence in the rest of the world. Please read, sign and pass on this information. It only takes a moment of time in the scheme of things. And it will be of more help and value than can be imagined. I have three sons who work for the railroad so I know much of what their life is like. Their families live it even more. I plan to be a visible part by being present and accounted for on a corner standing with a sign in my hand. At the very least please keep us in your prayers. For those of you who have already done so; thank you so much is such a small phrase but heartfully meant. Thank you so much for reading and considering my plea and request. marilyn
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 19:57:22 +0000

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