A Story By Sheikh Muhammad Al Arifi - My girlfriend! Two years - TopicsExpress


A Story By Sheikh Muhammad Al Arifi - My girlfriend! Two years ago, I had been to Canada and stayed there sometime. I met an Arab brother there, And he was a doctor who had post-graduate studies there, But he was an Arab Muslim. So, I asked him how his work was going on. He said that he had seen strange things. I asked how, so, he replied that he was an intern in a hospital. And one day he was in hospital in the early morning. And entered the intensive care unit. He had to start his daily work by going to check on the patients. He checked their medical reports and analyses. Then he stopped at one bed where a 21-years old guy was lying. He was called Mohammad. And as his name indicates, he was a Muslim. The doctor then checked his medical file. And found that the young man was infected with AIDS. And that he had been hospitalized, suffering from some chest disease. And as you may know, AIDS patients have no immunity against any disease, As that disease utterly destroys it. The doctor then went to talk to that person. But he was unaware and was moaning out of the crushing pain. So, the doctor called him by name and greeted him. But the young man was just gasping. The doctor called him once more but the young man was unconscious. So, the doctor rang up his family to ask them about the patient. The patient’s mother answered the phone. And the doctor introduced himself to the young man’s mom. He told her, her son was suffering due to his illness and asked her to come. But she said she was so busy and would come after work. But the doctor asked her to come immediately. As he was talking to her, The alarm in the medical devices linked to the patient’s body beeped. So, the doctor said if she came after work, it would be too late. He hung up and went to the young man. His heart pulse, respiration and blood pressure plummeted, And the young man was dying, after a while the patient’s mother came. He asked the mother about her son’s name, so, she replied: “Mohamad”. He asked about his age and she said 21. Then he asked if her son ever offered Prayers. But the mother denied that. Saying that her son intended to perform Hajj and repent when he would get old. Satan does the same to many people. He convinces them to do what they want and then repent later on. The same happened with that man. The doctor asked if he knew any Qur’anic verses. But the woman said he wouldn’t. Then the devices beeped even louder. And they hurried to the young man but he was going through death throes. They called him by name again, and the nurses were surprised. The doctor asked him to say: “There is no deity but Allah.” But the young man only moaned. The doctor repeated the Testification of Faith urging the patient to say it. He started crying while urging the patient to say it. There was no way no save him. And all medical devices and medicine were to no avail. It was time for saying these words. The doctor repeated the testification. And he tried every way to make him say it. But the patient would say “Ah”. Then he stopped moaning and it seemed he would talk. And the doctor thought he’d say it at last but he only said: “I just want my girlfriend.” “I just want my girlfriend.” Then he named the girl with whom he was cohabiting illegally. The doctor told me personally that he cried. And urged him persistently to utter the Testification of Faith; “There is no deity but Allah.” But the man would say: “I want my girlfriend.” The young man’s mother was crying and the nurses were surprised. Finally, blood pressure dropped, the pulse stopped, and all devices stopped. And the young man was motionless as he died. His mother burst into tears. And the doctor was moved. Meanwhile, the nurses were surprised at the sight. The young man just passed away. Neither his youth nor his possessions benefited him. The worldly pleasures and money he had were of no use to him. And he wouldn’t take anything with him to the Hereafter, Only then will he know that he mustn’t have wasted his life. So, Dear Muslim readers we should stop and think: Will the deeds we are doing in this world be of any use to us when we die? Or will they make us regret wasting our lives? In this regard Allah says: “Last any soul should say: ‘Alas for me, that I neglected my duty towards Allah. And was among those who mocked”. Then one will start regretting When it will be too late to correct his past mistakes, having wasted his life.
Posted on: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 17:17:52 +0000

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