A Story of Love Each day as I read His living word it grows - TopicsExpress


A Story of Love Each day as I read His living word it grows within my being. He blesses me each moment as I read and pray in harmony within His space and time. Each moment spent adding to my spiritual essence, His, Holy Spirit wisdom, filling me with things concerning my life as I attempt to walk in Christ and sin no more. God, instructs me each moment of the day, with an ever increasing gain and understanding of His power, the Holy Spirit. Each breath I take exposing to me, that all things in place and in time, are all, of God. His words whisper in my conscious, His love, grace, and compassion for me and you. While He asks of us, just one small request; follow His Word, in all things concerning this world, no idols of any sort, just God and all His divine ways, the power of the Blood of Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit, “Faith in Christ Jesus”! A few verses came across to me this day, again for the umpteenth time again fell into the depth of my heart, soul and mind, I will share a bit more: 2Ti 4:1-9 I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. As for you, always be sober-minded, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing. Do your best to come to me soon. (ESV) Darby, described this section well, a small portion from his commentary: “Does this perfect and supreme authority of the scriptures set aside ministry? By no means; it is the foundation of the ministry of the word. One is a minister of the word; one proclaims the word — resting on the written word — which is authority for all, and the warrant for all that a minister says, and imparting to his words the authority of God over the conscience of those whom he teaches or exhorts. There is, in addition to this, the activity of love in the heart of him who exercises this ministry (if it be real), and the powerful action of the Spirit, if he be filled with the Holy Ghost. But that which the word says silences all opposition in the heart or mind of the believer. It was thus that the Lord answered Satan, and Satan himself was reduced to silence. He who does not submit to the words of God thereby shews himself to be a rebel against God The rule given of God is in the scriptures; the energetic action of His Spirit is in ministry, although God can equally act upon the heart immediately by the word itself. Nevertheless ministry, since the revelations of God were completed, could not be an authority, or there would be two authorities; and if two, one must be a needless repetition of the other, or else, if they differed, no authority at all……..” Now I bring forward a second set of scriptures I took to heart this day: Mat 7:20 Thus you will recognize them by their fruits. Mat 7:21-27 Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name? And then will I declare to them, I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness. Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it. (ESV) Meyer, states it well in these commentary words of wisdom: “The world is full of shams. Counterfeit coins circulate; paste jewels are worn. Let us take heed against a counterfeit religion. It betrays itself thus: (1) It does not involve the denial of self. Our Lord compares this to entrance by a strait gate and walking on a narrow path. It is the way of the Cross. We must say “No” to the “I” life which is seated in our soul and which must be ruthlessly denied. We must say of it as Peter did of Jesus, “I do not know the man.” The way of self-indulgence begins on a primrose path and ends in a wilderness. The path of self-denial is steep and difficult at the start, but leads to a paradise of joy. (2) It does not produce good fruit. The worth of the gospel has been attested all down the ages by the characters which it has produced and which have been the world’s salt and light. No other teaching has produced such results. Here is the supreme test. There are many new systems of theology, many nostrums are being loudly advertised, but the one test of them all is in the fruit they bear.” A few years back while my wife and I were traveling and “WORKING” for our Lord, I asked Him why I was doing what I was doing, at this place and at that time in my life. It took weeks of repetitious, prayer for Him to start speaking to me once again in that quiet voice. I could spend a great deal of time telling that story, but let me go on a fast track with one of His answers, “They, (a large pile of gravel that I had pushed / cleared off a trail, may times over, gravel and sand being moved by rain and man onto the paths, that could cause His children harm), are all an example of My children, different yet the same, love them, all” Wow! Did I take that to heart, yes and no? So I kept being persistent, a while later, He again answered me, “Today, pray, read my Word, pray, read my Word, then, read some more, never cease!” I took that direction and have run with it now for many years. He has blessed me in so many ways sense that day of instruction, I cherish His instruction, it’s never wrong. In my youth, I rebelled against the two sided coin, of religion in my life, a Roman and Later Day, then a Science, a Seven Day, a Buda, modern day stuff, dark, not of God, yet out on a limb, not to name a few of my experiences, following men. Many years later I then added again some more Christian frosting, I was lost in amazement within the extremes presented by all. I kept looked in all directions for something in this world that made scene when it came to God or god’s. My experiences became eminence in its nature, allowing my soul to accept, “What Ever”, some five cult type religions and some seven religious organization / denominations, Star Trek won out over them all. I made the decision that just in case, I would believe in a god or a higher power. Sill lost in the world! I went on living life wondering in and out of maybe or whatever. Then after a few years past some friends who had been asking me to come to their churches, to no avail. God used them too, baited the hook with music, through a couple of friends and some help from a few others along the way that God had placed in my path. Surprisingly, all where government employee’s all talking about His word at work, times they have changed. During this time of almost believing, I asked God for a friend to share my life forever in love, He gave to me Beverly a much greater part of this story, but not now. The bait: “Come listen to our newly organized worship team this Sunday, early, before the “Older Services start”. That day in a small Wesleyan Church in Carson City Nevada, the Holy Spirit filled my mind and my worldly soul with, unbridled thrust for more, a day that change my life. The Holy Spirit started working on me, the way my life had always worked, fast and furious. But wait, I got sick in the midst of all this emotional experience, real sick. Years of my worldly life, causes and enthusiasms, now taking me down, my heart, lungs, and kidneys all failing along with my mind. Out of control diabetes and growing issues of weight gain, all the way to a fifty inch waist on a man five feet eleven inches in height, as much girth as height. I desired to die, and I began a plan on how this might work out. So, frightened of these thoughts washing around in my mind, yes, I accused myself of being a coward. I still also had concerns that someone else would or could be hurt by my ideas on how to pass from this place I have always loved people so very much. Ok, then, one last prayer, asking God to take me, even if it meant I had to go to Hell. Why, was God doing this to me now? One day I found myself in a dark closet that I had crawled off into, just off the master bedroom. I could hear the family in the far side of our home chatting and making laughter, I cried in agony, mentally and physically, my growing communication with His Holy Spirit. I made one more prayer to God, one last attempt to speak with God. I now understand that He heard my groans as a prayer, in my prayer voice. In that prayer, I made a deal or struck a bargain with God, one I never desired to do in the previous years of my life. I asked Him, please take me, or heal me, I would then serve Him until I pass on His schedule not mine! Thank you Father, Lord, for all answered prayers today, tomorrow and forever as promised. Since those days, I have experienced the answers to many prayers and received great amounts of physical healings, Amen. Do I still need healing, yes? I am still in the process of trimming the dead branches from my soul, learning to utilize the power of the Holy Spirit while praying in my prayer language, the blessings of prayer, praying in tongues. I focus each day, towards that point of sanctification when my mind completely grasps the understanding about the agape love of Christ, putting aside the things that stop me from waking in Christ, going and sinning no more. What a great direction to traverse, yet I have discovered, I make it sweet and sour each day. I do give thanks to God, more sweet than sour these days by following in His footsteps. I am yet a work in progress! Often these blessings in my life are reinforced, a cleansing within my worldly soul by the Spirit of God, providing me with blessing of wisdom, as within this commentary quote by C. Spurgeous: “If I knew I had twenty years left to live, I would spend twenty of it in preparation”. If your time has not come, it’s because God needs more preparation in your life, on how to serve Him! My Father, Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit (Triune) have been using my years of living, preparing me for His service. In any manor, He has sets in motion, through the infusion of His immense Knowledge, Wisdom, Love and Grace over my sinful life, all projected within the pages of His Living Word, the Holy Spirit. He has guided me through many experience, so many things in this world, yet so very little. My heart informs my mind through the power of His Holy Spirit that I am beginning to understand, and seeing all the things that are quickening within my understanding of His divine purpose for man. How to serve God, in order to serve His children, grows in me each day I spend time reading His word and the words wisdom of those who have come after His unfettered Living Word, His children who are sharing His power through God’s Holy Spirit intervention. Sharing a personal witness of God, His power the Holy Spirit, His living Word, man’s instruction manual, how to live for God, not man, “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth” the living “Bible”. Living our lives for God will cause us to live our lives to Help His Children, all of mankind and all God has created. An example of His love: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, the birth of Christ Jesus, His death, and His resurrection, back into His Father’s arms. Now based on that perspective let us all look what He created and promised all of mankind; our birth, our death, our rebirth into His presents for today and all time to come. If we so believe and have a childlike Faith in His desires for us all, that we will sit with Him forever in Heaven, singing praise to and about Him. Amen! Be blessed, pray for a childlike Faith. “Because Jesus Helps” us all
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 00:30:08 +0000

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