A Story worth reading of a CA Topper who got only 35% marks in - TopicsExpress


A Story worth reading of a CA Topper who got only 35% marks in Class 12th: "I know exactly what it feels like to enter in CA at 22. Hereis my story. My father passed away when I was 8. Despite the tragedy, I was actually relieved because my father was extremely strict. I was too young for emotional attachment or to understand the future repercussions. What followed wasdelinquency and a self- perpetuating cycle of vitriol with my family. This began when my relatives started meddling with my family affairs. The children of my relatives were either from DPS or Mayo (Ajmer) and they expected my mum, now a single parent to bring my sibling and I up to “their” benchmark. I distanced myself from them, developed a habit of stealing, got caught and became the family’s black sheep. I did opposite whatever my mum wished. I cursed when she demanded civility. I lazed when she demanded that I study. Schoolnever interested me. Despite that Iread a lot outside the curriculum. When the 12th class result came, Igot a shitty 35%, enough to qualify me for the Normal Academic stream. I never learned. That was in the early 2000s, the age of LAN gaming. I continued toneglect my studies and fu*ked up big time in college . I retained. That was when I just woke up. Like vengeance, the warnings came back to haunt me. Failure can do weird things to people. Some drown in sorrow and never quite become the same again. Others are reinforced, sometimes to the point of transformation. I was lucky to belong to the latter category. Luck and serendipity played a huge role. I never believed in god. I worked hard, really hard that it became an obsession. I topped in P2 (CA Inter)and then got rank in CA Final. I got more than I bargained for. I was in a situation of extreme irony. My age and my past did not match my “newly given” identity. Ifelt out of place, which was not helped either since I had no one I knew in CA, I was a stranger in a strange situation. I can empathize with what you are feeling, that of being “misplaced” and about coping. I hope I can share with you some of my thoughts about this predicament and I hope they can serve you well. With regards to feeling out of place, I think the most important point here is to never let your pastor your age come back to haunt you. There will be times where self-doubts will creep in. They will occur when you fail to grasp certain concepts in class compared to your more “capable”friend s. This feeling of inadequacymight come but never let it affect you. Psychologists call this the “stereotype threat”. It harms your performance because you feel likeyou belong to “the other” group. Instead, understand that we comefrom different preparatory backgrounds. Work hard towards developing your understanding ofyour course materials and stay focused. You will succeed. There will be times where you willfeel work to be overwhelming. Poly was a breeze. The point here is to stay extremely focused. Depending on your objectives, do the necessary. CA has a lot of distractions. Your friend will sooner or later ask you out for clubbing, a variety of other activities. These activities are important. But the important thing here is to prioritize. Learn tosay no. The friendship you make will broaden your thinking and will bring you benefits you never knew. That being said, remember to stay true to yourself (provided that you are not a major asshole). Never live a lie just to make friends. Lastly, to succeed, be strategic. Oftentimes you will see some really smart dude getting straight As effortlessly. Never emulate what doesn’t work on you. Sometimes when people tell you “this mod no need study one”, don’t buy their bullshit. Do what you must to ensure that you understand the materials taught. Never let doubts linger. That should be your benchmark. Groupmates are important, try to find smart people to group with but never ever rip them off, learn fromthem. Also, plan your exams wisely. I can say that life turned out to be really lucky and unexpected for me. But that does not mean that hard work and smarts are not necessary. Luck favors the prepared. My journey in CA has been meaningful thus far and I hope it would be the same for you. Here’smy success mantra for you all:- "Stay hungry, stay foolish." This story proves that hard work definitely pays off- If not quickly, then gradually. Hit LIKE n Share if this Story Inspired U....!!
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 01:37:02 +0000

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