A Stray Is A Stray Until Five Days Goes By And Efforts Were Made - TopicsExpress


A Stray Is A Stray Until Five Days Goes By And Efforts Were Made To Find Owner Today I called someone back who left a message saying they had found a dog yesterday, brought it to the vet, she wasnt chipped and cant keep it now because its not getting along with her dogs. She asked me to call her back. Here is the call back summarized, of course: The young woman began, I found a dog yesterday and I was told to call you about the dog. Can you get it spayed? We arent a animal hospital. Well, I found this dog and took it to the vet and did blood work and a stool sample, she spoke without taking a breathe, and it had dried up milk, had to have had puppies. I think I found someone to take it though... Things clearly changed from the time she left the message about her not being able to keep the dog herself. Let me just explain a few things to you, just so you know, I began. That dog may belong to someone. The owners could be looking for their dog. But I asked everyone. Did you call animal control and your local police? Yes, I did and they said no one called about their dog. But did you leave your name and number and a description of the dog? She hurriedly said, No, but I asked all my neighbors... I understand but let me give you just one of dozens of possibilites. I go on vacation and have my neighbor take care of my dog. The dog gets loose on my neighbor and she doesnt know who to call to get my dog. Meanwhile in 24 hours you give my dog away to someone and I never know what happened to my dog. I would be devastated. You have to understand that the dog belonged to someone. There is a five day stray hold where the owners have the opportunity to get their dog back. Its important that you follow the laws because otherwise it could get very messy and someone could get sued if a dog is taken illegally. Okay, she said but didnt sound like she really was listening. Then I added, and please dont just give the dog to someone. Its a proven fact when someone gives a dog to someone else without going through the proper channels, like through a shelter who knows how to screen people for adoption, that a dog will get bounced from one home to another. You should really let professionals that know what they are doing re-home the dog if the dogs owners dont come forward. I had so much more to say like getting the dog spayed and microchipped but she seemed like she really wanted to get off the phone with me. In her mind she had a plan and I was ruining it. If, um, I cant find a home for the dog (told you she wasnt listening) can you take the dog? It really depends. I would need to know more about the dog. Age, breed type, personality. We are a no kill humane society so we have to be picky about the animals we take. Still in a hurry and still seemingly having decided what she was going to do now she said, okay, thanks. Bye.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Jun 2014 21:58:59 +0000

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