A Sunday awakening to awareness: Hey,,it´s 2013! Right! Most of - TopicsExpress


A Sunday awakening to awareness: Hey,,it´s 2013! Right! Most of us have this innate believe within us that things will work out for the best. Through tough times we search for answers, if we´re about to give up we turn to the highest above, or the spirit within. Research show that faith is one of the strongest coping mechanism a person can have in such times. Viktor Frankl brilliantly describes the approach the survivor of Auschwitz prisoners camps; the faith is what kept them alive. I though wonder how these old believes are correlated with today´s modern societies. I watched this great video made by Tammy Kling yesterday about individuals in USA that were homeless. I remembered a dream of mine of opening up a shelter for homeless in Iceland, later though I worked in a crisis center in Aarhus, Denmark for homeless and others that had life changing misfortunes in life. These individuals could be you or me, they are also people with dreams and believe. In India I saw more than I expected and I wanted to help, especially women and children. I support a child through SOS, and wanted to work for them in India. I though got unfortunate and a man got to much "into" me, not mutual affection, sorry! While waiting for the time to pass, I turned more inwards - meditated and looked for my inner strength, and just loved my sofa I bought for 150 danish kr. from Mission Afrika. Life is ironic and humbling at the same time. I´ve then not so long ago meet this individuals that explained to me how important it´s to believe. After all my lessons in life I was skeptical to - for we all heard about the story of the men that take advantage of single women with they players role "Players only love you when their playing". The analyzer in me wanted hard data, evidence and psychological assessment ..huh. But, after some time I saw it wasn´t his intention to reach to me that I wanted to hear. I wanted to believe that dreams, goals, this purpose and mission I had thought myself to be in were for something. I didn´t start to believe in the Christian "God" again or that Jesus would walk on water. But, I started to believe in myself even more. I knew then how much my own contribution to myself, my children and this life is important. There isn´t any abstract ways to look at life. We want to go left and end up going the other way, we thought we get an engagement ring, and it end up with the guy looking for his ex girlfriend because of something you said that reminded him of her. We can´t control the outcome, but we can believe that we can love ourselves enough to contribute to the future. I know I want to continue with my mission in Ladakh; Violation against women and children. For some it´s not important, but for me it is! This is were I can contribute, educate and be useful. Its my believe that the highest meaning in life is to be useful for the future. Namaste Anna. youtube/watch?v=I-G8IfjPAII&feature=share
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 09:12:19 +0000

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