A TALE OF HUMILITY It is said that there is but One Spirit, Who is - TopicsExpress


A TALE OF HUMILITY It is said that there is but One Spirit, Who is Love; and that all good qualities are but different perspectives of Love. Even so does a single, simple act often reveal what the primary nature of a soul may presently be. Consider then, an act that occurred some5,000 years ago in the heavens of Craoshivi between the Orian Chieftainess Cpenta-Armij, and Ahura, ruler of the heavenly kingdom Ailkin. The act: the salutation signs exchanged between Cpenta-Armij and Ahura in meeting for the first time. From this greeting, much can be learned about the nature of both persons and the matter before them. The sign given by Ahura was Second Plateau. Ahura‘s kingdom was situated near to the earth on the second plateau above it. Under the circumstances of meeting anetherean goddess for the first time, the sign can be transcribed as meaning: ―I, Ahura, am but from the lower heavens‖. Humility then, is demonstrated by Ahura from the start. The sign given by Cpenta-Armij was Nirvanian Road, Salkwatka. This reply can be translated as meaning: Yet also are you traversing a Nirvanian roadway. You and all in your world are even now within Etherea. This is a magnificent statement. We are all always within Etherea, for all things are within it. It is our task to realize how Etherea is both within and without us. Yet the scope of this article is confined to Ahura and so we will leave discussion of the divine qualities of Cpenta-Armij for another time. It is said that pride cometh before a fall. Perhaps the reverse is also true: humility comes before true progress. With the hope of learning more about this virtue, let us examine how this strong trait within Ahura opened the way towards the achievement of his goal. The aim of Ahura was the resurrection of Ailkin from the second plateau to a much higher one above the earth. Such a move would discourage Ahura‘s subjects from returning easily to the earth or lower heavens. The resurrection or elevation of Ailkin would also allow more contact with the higher realms and the more selfless behaviour of the souls living there, rather than to the selfish temptations present in hada and earth. In truth, the raising of Ailkin was a selfless goal designed to aid others. However, it may have been to Ahura‘s personal advantage to not raise Ailkin. For then a portion or his citizens may have freely abandoned him; relieving Ahura of responsibility over them. he did not allow. It was humility which greatly assisted Ahura in carrying out hisplan. The remainder of this article shall inspect how this was so. First, we shall examine Ahura‘s relationship with Cpenta-Armij. Regard the following passage: Ahura said: O thou Most High Chieftainess, of hundreds of thousands of year‘s, how can I stand before thee? I know thou hast seen many truants in thy day, and watched their course thousands of years. Thou canst see before me all that awaiteth me and thine; the past and the future are as an open book before thee. That I have stood before thee and looked upon thee, I am blessed above all things since the day of my birth. In this passage, Ahura was not overreacting or being insincere. Cpenta-Armij was a soul of immense divine qualities; an Orian Chieftainess with experiences equal to at least 364,000 years, and was capable of channeling the All Voice. If Ahura was insincere, she surely would have been aware of it. Yet because Ahura was sincerely humble, Cpenta-Armij was able to assist him greatly. She channeled the Voice of the most high Creator to him, provided the power estimates required for the resurrection, provided organizational advice for the resurrection, and warned Ahura of Anuhasaj‘s faithlessness. Nevertheless it was not Cpenta- Armij‘s wish to be praised thus; neither out of vanity nor as a condition to be helped. In fact, she praises him quite plainly on her own account. To the above greeting by Ahura, Cpenta-Armij answered, Greeting, in love to my brother, Ahura. By the Grace and Power ofJehovih, come and see me, bringing thy attendants. She salutes him further by saying: In the name of the Great Spirit, Whose Daughter I am, I welcome thee in love and high esteem. I know all thy past record, and do look upon thee as the foundation of one of Jehovih‘s brightest suns. Long have I desired that thou shouldst petition to come to see me; and much desired I to see thee and greet thee in the Father‘s name. It is clear from this then, that especially the truly great possess humility. For who would wish to receive help from someone arrogant? Would not those best in assisting others, excel at creating an atmosphere of equality? Of brotherhood/ sisterhood? And who being arrogant will receive help freely and therefore advance?
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 05:59:24 +0000

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