A TERRORIST FINDS PEACE Peace I leave with you; my peace I give - TopicsExpress


A TERRORIST FINDS PEACE Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27 Maulana was born in a Muslim family in a small town in central Java, Indonesia. As a strict Muslim, he read a lot of the Quran and the sayings of the prophet Mohammed. Like many other Muslims, he wished for Sharia law to be implemented in his country. He saw Christians as hindering Sharia teaching and felt Indonesia must be cleansed from the cross. The Christians worship Jesus, who is merely a man. For Muslims this is sin, and they must stop this movement through churches. He says, “Because we do not get support from the government, we take the law into our own hands. We attack churches; we shoot pastors while they are preaching to cause fear. We do not fear death because we were encouraged by Ayatollah Khomeini to spill our blood to the last drop to make this happen… Calling us terrorists is a big mistake, because were just Muslim God lovers. “We devised secret plans to bring about Sharia law in Eastern Indonesia. I was one of the first of five thousand soldiers sent from east Java on a ship to the island of Ambon… Our activity focused on how to close churches… But when I saw children with no parents running around the church, I felt guilty. As time passed, my heart becomes softer; then love entered my heart. The love became thick. “One night, I was fasting and praying, I said, ‘God, you’re the one who created my heart, show me your righteousness.” In the middle of my heart crying, a man appeared to me. There was fresh blood spattered on the bottom of his white robe, He greeted me with ‘Salaam Al I Kum; Peace Be With You.’ I tried to figure out who I had seen in my vision. Could it be the angel Gabriel, or Mohammed, or could it be Nabi Isa? Maybe He is Jesus. “One day I was distributing Islamic magazines in a small town and an old man called to me. He said, ‘Maulana, come here. I was waiting for you.’ It was Friday at lunch time. He asked me to eat rice and noodles with him. He prayed in the name of Jesus before eating. I was shocked! After lunch, he took me to a room. There he picked up a large Bible and opened it to John 14:27. It said, ‘I am leaving you with a gift, peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.’ The mystery of the voice is Isa (Jesus)! I confessed that Jesus is God! Jesus is great! I cried and I received Him, Isa, as the Lord of the people of Ambon whom I’ve persecuted. “Now that I believe Jesus is my Savior, a miracle happened in my life. What I received from God is an assignment, instead of regrets. One day a group of young people beat me up. Punches from all directions come to my body. When I was in the hospital, I prayed like Stephen prayed. ‘God, forgive them for they know not what they were doing.’ I did not make myself brave, but there is spiritual strength from within. Under God’s authority, we don’t need to be afraid.” RESPONSE: Today I will thank God for the true peace that His Spirit provides for those who trust Him. PRAYER: Continue to pray for more terrorists, like Maulana was, to find faith and peace in Jesus.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 08:50:43 +0000

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