A TESTAMENT TO OUR DEAR FATHER: DOCTOR BANSER How does one distinguish himself as a great leader? Is it at his state of birth and the display of his splendor? Or the splendid achievement of an impeccable education? Is it in his study of how to approach and deal with life? Or in his calm and gentle take when everyone gets frantic? Though I believe all these to be vital values for a great leader, There is one which stands out above all else, To love and have an impact on the multitude surrounding you, And this I know our daddy Doctor Banser possessed. Though he touched the peak of what life reserved for him, And walked through life at high levels only attained by a few, Yet he counted himself no move than any other, Putting the wants of others above his desires and aspirations, Taking in many to groom as though they were his children, Reaching out to the lost who were dejected and hopeless, To fan back in them the lost fire of hope and faith, Through his wise and calm advice that forever changes lives. I say this with deep conviction and a profound sense of gratitude, For I was one of those who benefited from his astute advises, Though I know that there are countless others who felt that too, His selflessness and humble visage in the service of his kin, His resolute resolve to make sure justice overrules injustice, Though in doing so he calmly sought out a straight path for peace, Reminding himself always that all solutions must be bigger him, Yes he is one this great, that we’ve lost from this world of ours, One whose kinds are hard to find from generation to generation, He was a father to a multitude, who had no dads, An advocate to those who couldn’t find or afford one, A counselor to those with problems that seemed unsolvable, A teacher to those who needed knowledge to succeed in future, A mentor to those who sought to emulate such a great figure, For his success came not only from his intellect, Made even brighter by a heart so keen to compassion and love, Yes these were the tenets he lived by during his life’s walk, Tenets that only those with a big and deep heart could match. He is has now left and gone before us, But not without living us with such great example to follow, So great it takes one like him to carry that mantle, One not given by man for one’s glory, But earned through compassion and dignity, Through which his entire life was laid bare for all to behold, Yes, we will certainly miss such a great soul, But his legacy and deeds will live on to be remembered, And like stars that brighten the dark nights, Will his deeds serve as examples to brighten our paths. This is to my dear uncle Doctor Banser. I am honored and privileged to have been your family. Though your departure lives us in grief, your legacy will live on to provide guidance to the coming generations. We love you and will always do. May your soul rest in peace.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 18:38:59 +0000

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