A THIEF AMONG US AT LARGE At approximately 7:00 pm on October - TopicsExpress


A THIEF AMONG US AT LARGE At approximately 7:00 pm on October 23, 2014, THE CORNER STORE AND MORE, 85 MAIN STREET was robbed. As the sixteen year old cashier was cashing the perpetrator out and bagging his $95.00 worth of purchases (including but not limited to a carton of cigarettes); he grabbed the bags, pushed the cashier out of the way, and bolted for the front door to make his escape. The cashier called 911 as she gave chase, yelling to anyone who would hear or help her, STOP THAT MAN!!!!! Ironically and as fate would have it, her Mother and Father (the store owners) just pulled into the store parking lot at the exact time this degenerate was giving chase. Dad jumped out of the vehicle, grabbed a hold of the thief whom was taking swings at the store owner and grabbing for a possible weapon from his jacket pocket. Mr. Store Owner, who stands in excess of 6 and weighs in at around 250 lbs, grabbed a hold of this guy and slammed him onto the ground out of mere self defense. Bags of groceries were dropped and the perp took off running East down Main Street. Mr. Store Owner followed the criminal to Sherodon Sands, as he sat in his vehicle in the municipal parking lot across the street, in which he even established a room number at the Sherodon Sands that this low life was living at. Some 20 minutes later, OPP arrive. They view the security camera videos showing the entire incident going down. A phone call to Sherodon Sands supplied the Store Owner and the OPP with a name, however as of 9:30 a.m. this morning no action has taken place by OPP against thisCRIMINAL and he has not even been approached or talked to by OPP. That said Wasaga Beach, lock your doors, your windows, your vehicles, your sheds, your garage doors, your children, as we have a CRIMINAL walking among us looking to score his next meal, his next pack of cigarettes or his next fix ............ THOUGHTS ????????????
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 14:16:34 +0000

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