A TIMELY CAUTION FOR MR. IMRAN KHAN. Generally I never endorse - TopicsExpress


A TIMELY CAUTION FOR MR. IMRAN KHAN. Generally I never endorse violence perpetrated by any individual for I deem it to be a prerogative exclusively reserved for the state to be used under the concerned law to secure internal peace and ensure safety at your borders. Any individual therefore to my humble opinion must never resort to violence in any circumstances using one pretext or another and Mr. Imran Khan is no exception to this rule. One must always use the peaceful means to get ones protest registered for it is the only way our civilized world is accustomed to and is willing to give recognition to. Snatching delinquents that happen to belonging to your party from the police forcefully, Mr. Khan you need to know, constitutes to be a grave violation of law and must be termed as violence committed against the state that only a Banana republic can afford to accommodate. Mr. Khan your life is dear to thousands of your supporters. It is also valuable to us for we in our capacity of being seculars give great value and recognition to your dissenting views. We never wish you to get harmed, injured or God forbids be killed by any of your opponents at any point of time. However if history of this land is any guide to our wisdom then we must feel no hesitation to advise you with a piece of caution. Every day and night you abuse politicians and the whole corrupt system. You have been bashing police and their high officials with invective and threats. We have also seen your supporters beating police officials badly. However in the wake of yesterdays incident where you forcefully snatched the law violators belonging to your party from the police. we have come to the conclusion that by doing so, you have crossed the red line. We are highly convinced that there is a lot of dangers ahead now hovering above your head Mr. Khan after this happening. It is the same Pakistan where we have seen Murtaza Bhutto getting murdered by the police when his own sister was a prime minister. Nothing happened afterwards. Benazir Bhutto was martyred in broad daylight in Rawalpindi, nothing happened and Pakistan is still intact. General Zia was murdered in a plane crash, we are still out of clue as to who did it and the life still goes on normally in this country. Do you know about the judicial murder of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto? He was hanged by Zia and the irony is that Sindh never broke away and it is still a province of Pakistan. Mr. Khan your life is too precious to us. I do not wish to scare you of any life threats for I strongly believe that neither our current rulers nor Taliban shall want to kill you for their respective reasons. Our rulers are too cowardly to deal with your delinquencies with any stern hand. Taliban will not attack you for ethnic and religious reasons for they they have a high regard for you and deem you as only one from among themselves. Then who may become a grave threat to your life in any such situation that involves your confrontation with the police or an detestable interaction with the public? You have rightly understood my point sir. It may be none other than a wayward SHO from among the police personnel who in a fit of rage may go to the extent of harming your life. It is an open secret now that Punjab police showcases a number of such police officials who have earned notoriety for conducting such police encounters in the recent past. Here we need to remember that the murderer of Suleman Taseer is still alive and enjoys support from hundreds of thousands of his devotees from all across the country. Enough is enough Mr. Khan. You must be highly appreciated by your buddies right now that you have been dealing with a dangerous phenomenon since the beginning of your Nia Pakistan march by incessantly showering police and its high officials with insults, threats and abuses. You need to observe a a caution now before it is too late.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 14:28:50 +0000

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