A TRAITORS PARLIAMENT Throughout the last 700 years of our - TopicsExpress


A TRAITORS PARLIAMENT Throughout the last 700 years of our parliamentary history many historians have given appendices to various Parliaments to express the feelings of the time to the particular House of Commons: such as The Mad Parliament The Good Parliament and many others but as far as we are aware we have not noticed any bearing the term The Traitors Parliament. until we have witnessed the passing of the Second Reading of the New EU Treaty on January 21st,2008. Which leads us to the subject of RESISTANCE to the Government of the day in taking firm and decisive action to prevent the TREASON from progressing further to the actual annihilation of our NATION STATE. For an English people (we can only speak of our own country here but no doubt there are many loyal subjects who feel alike in our sister nation states) to put up (up to now) with no firm resistance in defence of THEIR [TRUE] PARLIAMENT not the treasonable occupants now in occupation in our named TRAITORS DEN. THEIR CONSTITUTION THEIR COUNTRY. will be a shameful and despicable and traitorous act when one remembers even those today in 2008 who with millions who have died in defence of their country since our arrival in their new island home over 1400 years ago. For a NATION STATE with such a momentous and truly memorable history as the home of Magna Carta and the first parliamentary democracy over seven centuries ago, in a House of Commons, known since the 19th century as the Mother of Parliaments should be betrayed by the greater majority of the members of that HOUSE , is an act of INFAMY which will remain an indelible stain of treasonable conduct of the perpetrators of HIGH TREASON and of the once cherished and respected CHAMBER which participated in the BETRAYAL of their conduct which had been upheld by their esteemed forebears who placed the PROTECTION of the RIGHTS and LIBERTIES of ENGLISHMEN as the foundation stone on which the newly formed democratic PARLIAMENT came into existence over 700 years ago. With the Second reading of the New EU treaty passed by a sycophant and traitorous assembly in your HOUSE of COMMONS on the 21st January ,2008 and with the likelihood that the Third Reading will be a mere formality and with the House of Lords subject to the Parliament Act of 1911 and 1949 our ONLY hope of survival as a NATION STATE of 1400 years in the making will depend on HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN in June 2008, abiding by HER CORONATION OATH which has already been broken on ALL EU TREATIES since 1972. HER OATH specifically protects the CONSTITUTION, which was in earlier years the spirit of MAGNA CARTA as it is today in 2008 and has since its introduction over 700 years ago it has been the rallying call of ALL who find their LIBERTIES threatened from WITHIN. Those that strayed from the provisions of the CARTA were reminded of its inviolate nature and became a watchtower of FREEDOM the world over who possessed the common Law of England and with it the Rights and Liberties of Englishmen. WHY? are we now in February, 2008 facing the destruction of our NATION STATE when for the past 35 years there has been a Eurosceptic Movement albeit and UNDIVIDED and factional loose opposition which with only a few months to the final ACT of BETRAYAL has failed dismally to energise the factions into a UNITED FRONT to take on the GOVERNMENT with a more decisive campaign with massive CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE as the fate of England and all it means to millions of loyal and patriotic subjects can ONLY be saved in this way as the present method of Rallys (without a MARCH) and LECTURES are no longer sustainable at this eleventh hour when the majority of our so-called representatives are so happy to receive the millions of letters and cards from their anxious constituents because they know they only need a few more months of shredding the growing paper mountain in YOUR PALACE OF WESTMINSTER for them to complete their traitorous task to enslave a people because they were so confident that good natured correspondence would see their urgent pleas rewarded. Only very few people are not aware that they have been taken for a ride and on the way their NATION STATE has been sold to a FOREIGN POWER In our long history particularly over the last 400 years there have been many rising of the PEOPLE in defence of their rights at home. Today in February, 2008 your treacherous representatives are giving away YOUR COUNTRY and unless you wish to blind yourself to the FACTS we are seeing the Beginning of the End of a once FREE NATION STATE of ENGLAND unless we ALL move ourselves and at this most crucial hour in our long history we MAN THE BARRICADES in DEFENCE Of CONSTITUTION AND COUNTRY. * On Wednesday 27th February , 2008 the slogan will know doubt be I Want A Referendum But more specifically it can be NO REFERENDUM NO PARLIAMENT For as many have observed without a REFERENDUM there will be no other way to save our PARLIAMENT and unless THE QUEEN vetoes the TREATY or the LEGAL CHALLENGE is successful. On the surface the only certainty relies ONLY on a REFERENDUM to save OUR CONSTITUTION and COUNTRY. The reality is that NO REFERENDUM will mean NO COUNTRY * There is also another matter of which we must raise of historic importance the question of the purse strings of a nation state and another clarion call which we heard from across the Atlantic NO REPRESENTATION NO TAXATION It has been said on the question of the EU: IF THEY CONTROL OUR CURRENCY THEY WILL CONTROL OUR ECONOMY IF THEY CONTROL OUR ECONOMY THEY CONTROL YOU AND COUNTRY. Would that not be true should the EU TREATY ever be imposed on our once INDEPENDENT NATION STATE. Finally we state the immortal words of our great war leader Winston Churchill who shortly after the Second World War in his call for a Council of Europe to repair the damage of two world wars he nevertheless made Englands and Britains position crystal clear as to our relationship with EUROPE. WE ARE WITH EUROPE BUT NOT OF IT WE ARE LINKED BUT NOT COMBINED WERE INTERESTED BUT NOT ABSORBED. Sir Winston Churchill. NOW IT IS YOUR TURN TO DO SOMETHING FOR YOUR COUNTRY * BUSES TO LONDON -ON WEDNESDAY-27 FEBRUARY,2008 Getting to the lobby -Book YOUR seat NOW! iwantareferendum [Dont just sit in the office or wherever you work or at home. The more that make the journey the greater success it will be. If there was ever a time to take a few hours to attend a worthwhile event then next Wednesday particularly if you happen to live in the South East which has a population of over 12 million. If you have never been to see those who cost you over 80 Million a year and a majority of your so-called representatives who have a nice living on the side thanks to the tax you pay. So visit them and tell them what you think of those who have already signed the Second Reading of the NEW EU TREATY and that your next visit will not be so friendly if they ignore your moral and legal right to a REFERENDUM. About four years ago we attended a march and rally in York where the EU Finance Ministers were meeting and at that time the protesters showed their anger with the phrase Gordon Brown we want you out!... In London on Wednesday 27th February the organisers have stated that it should be a fun day so here is our suggestion to make our point of view plain to those MPS who are a pain and make Cain. It will be an opportunity for the thousands (we hope) that attend to show their anger of the actions of their so-called representatives in Parliament and shout Traitors! Traitors! We want you out! We know what your about! [Chorus] Well have our Referendum without a doubt! [Chorus] For we will form a redoubt! That is what were about! [Chorus] [It might be a good idea if those travelling to London by coach practiced a few choruses to use on arrival which will liven up the proceedings wonderfully-there might be a budding celebrity to lead the chanting. Of course at the time we will have to see what occurs and the popular ditty that the crowd will verse.] If we cannot have a march at least we can give them a lashing with our tongues because if the PRESS and MEDIA refuse to acknowledge our CAUSE which appears a possibility, at least Londoners and if we shout loud enough the whole of the South East of ENGLAND will here our calls. * DONT be MISLED - The EU has seen RED and there may never be another General Election to make it STONE-DEAD! There are no doubt a great number of voters who still believe that there will be a future General Election at which time the matter of withdrawal or amendment of the NEW EU TREATY can be discussed and a change or an exit found. You could not be more wrong as it is the intention of the European Council to replace your Parliament in Westminster with a Regional Assembly as with other regions in the country. SO! stop dreaming now and join those who have already decided to act before it is too late! For more details contact: iwantareferendum * eutruth.org.uk * * eutruth.org.uk The abolition of Britain by The Reform Treaty - Passed by majority of 138 The abolition of Britain by The Reform Treaty - Passed by majority of 138 MPs voted by 362 - 224 for the Reform Treaty in its Second Reading on Monday 21st January. This sixth and final treaty, now renamed the Lisbon Treaty, formally replaces Britain with the European Union on 1st January 2009. This is a year before the deadline set by the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel. The Treaty will abolish the British Constitution, and therefore the nations of Britain and England, sweeping away our Westminster Parliament, and giving the EU the power to close it. The Treaty sets up an unelected three tier politburo executive in Brussels with absolute power, a dictatorship on the soviet model. The EU parliament has no power and is a sham. Read the Reform Treaty one page summary on the left. Gordon Brown was lying: the Treaty is worse than the constitution. This sixth treaty is the fastest moving and most secret the EU has drafted; opposition to and recognition of the EU as a police state is growing, and they know speed is vital. This Commons vote, one of the most important in our history, was largely unreported by our controlled press and media. The Queen and Parliament to complete ratification this spring, 2008 Parliament has allocated 29 days to discuss this treaty in February (not much for its own abolition). They will probably have the final ratification vote in March. The Queen, the EUs most loyal supporter, plans to give her Royal Assent in June 2008. This means Westminster and the Queen will ratify it behind our backs, as they have the other five treaties. No referendum German Chancellor Merkel chose this sixth Treaty instead of pushing it through as a constitution to avoid referendums in its member nations. She twice visited 10 Downing Street and forced Gordon Brown to cancel both his promised referendum, and his General Election. Anti-EU groups have encouraged us to call for a referendum precisely because the EU has already prohibited it. They know we are wasting our efforts: our four party leaderships take their orders from the EU, not from the voters. How to fight The real course of action is to change the minds of 70 MPs and get a majority against. MPs have been selected on the Party list system over the last 20 years to ensure an obedient majority of pro-EU MPs. These MPs now need to understand the EU has the constitution (the six treaties) of a dictatorship, the laws of a police state, and when enforced, its 111,000 regulations will create a government command economy, soviet style: dictatorships cause poverty. They also need to realise that MPs are the people who put this dictatorship in power. If they put it in power, they are the greatest threat to take it out of power. All dictatorships in the past have eliminated that threat. Inside the EU, the lives of MPs will be even worse than our own; at best, they are likely to be institutionalised and held against their will. (This is the only good bit - these hated traitors will suffer severely.) Visit your MP in his surgery NOW and explain this. (Instructions top left) The EU remains illegal Each of these six treaties are completely illegal under the British Constitution, our 1689 Bill of Rights, our treason laws, and under our common law. It is unforgivable that the Queen, her Ministers and our Parliament have committed the criminal act of treason by signing these treaties, and broken our laws to abolish our nation. The EU will always be illegal in Britain; but once the EU has complete power and control here, we can no more get rid of it than we could Germany, had their planned illegal occupation of Britain in 1940 been successful. The Countdown to abolition Whereas the 465 page EU Constitution would have abolished the five treaties and replaced them with a single document conferring absolute power, the Reform Treaty adds to the existing five treaties, bringing them up to the powers of the EU Constitution. All six treaties with appendices add up to nearly 10,000 complex and unreadable pages. Tony Blair agreed to it on 23rd June 2007 as his final stab in Britain’s back. On the 23rd July there was an Intergovernmental Conference (IGC), when we should have seen a first draft of the Treaty. Foreign ministers agreed its terms on 7-8th September at the resort of Viana de Castelo, Portugal. There was a summit in Lisbon on the 18th and 19th October, where they hoped to sign the Treaty, but Gordon Brown signed it on December 13th 2007, committing treason, the most criminal act on the statute book. The EU has decided to act now as if the Treaty were already in force; they are consolidating their power each day. On 1.1.2009 the Reform Treaty and the other five seize all remaining power from our Westminster Parliament, which becomes defunct on that day; it has no remaining powers whatsoever. (The Treaties do allow Brussels to return minor powers, but that is very unlikely.) On 11th June 2009 we have bogus elections to the sham Brussels Parliament, the only elections we will get in the future. Westminsters five year term expires on 5th May 2010 and a British General Election is due. The six treaties make no provision for an election to our Parliament. By that time the EU will have consolidated its absolute power, and it will almost certainly use it cancel that election and to close Westminster. The EU has always planned to rule what was Britain directly through its 12 nominated Regional capitals, by passing Westminster, from which every function will be removed. Its founders knew the EU dictatorship cannot be built while there is a strong and freedom loving Britain on its doorstep. They tried twice before in 1914 and 1939. Britain has to be utterly destroyed for the EU to succeed. The success of the EUs Frankfurt School subversion techniques on Britain (see left) has been astonishing; the abolition of Westminster is one of their final remaining goals. You have 11 months left Treason is the most serious of all Britain’s crimes. You have just 11 months left to bring these vile British traitors to justice, and get us out of the EU dictatorship. Around 45 million British people are against the abolition of our nation, and with the little European voting that has been allowed, it seems clear over 200 million of its victims don’t want the EU. But we will never be given the choice. YOU have to decide to act yourself. There are ways to stop the EU - see Your Campaigns on the left. Then we will need a mass blockade of Westminster to stop our criminal MPs and Queen breaking our constitution and laws for the last time.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 23:36:30 +0000

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