A TRIBUTE TO THE ELF QUEEN We live in a large, old farm house - TopicsExpress


A TRIBUTE TO THE ELF QUEEN We live in a large, old farm house (very large and very old), that is a constant picture of renewal, season by season, holiday by holiday. Heres how it works. We go to sleep a few weeks before Christmas and a rogue platoon of elves, whove been poaching in the loft, break out the decorations and launch the annual remake of farm house into winter wonderland. We wake up and are amazed at the changes. This happens for several nights until it is complete - a Christmas atmosphere that would move Scrooge himself, especially once he heard the shoestring budget that got it done. Then, the elves disappear until mid January, when the mid-winter scenes break out. Then, February 14 comes along and, well, you get the picture. However, I discovered a while back that the elves had unionized, got lazy and unproductive, and started missing deadlines. So, SHE took charge and fired them all. The Elf Queen has taken on the herculean task, with no cry for help, and done it herself with greater majesty for a long time now. How do I know this, you ask? Well, when I might awaken in the middle of the night, I dont run downstairs to see whats happening. Dont need to .... I just look across the bed and see that SHE is not there. Thats right. Im married to the Elf Queen - the greatest human servant I have ever known ( and Ive been in the soul business for a long time, so I know a lot of people). When the kids were babies Id proclaim with joy in the morning how they slept through the night, which meant that I slept through the night. Shed smile with the baby in her arms and wish me a good day. I NEVER once remember her complaining about not getting enough sleep, or time to herself, or more attention from others. Rather, I have watched her for 34 years welcome every young man and woman into this home like one of her own children. Shed take joy in their enjoyment of a visit, or meal, or game, or prayer. I have lost count of the people that have lived with us, or crashed here for a night or two. Every human being crossing this threshold she considers more valuable and important than herself. Honestly, I chuckle inside when people tell me how busy they are. If they only knew. But thats not all. The church has to be decorated, you know, and many ladies, young and old, need to be loved on. Not sure the last time she expressed a personal need or want. Now look, I realize Im boasting, and frankly, she deserves it because the hours she invests in others are staggering. However, that is not the key to this amazing woman. No, the key is her child-like and innocent devotion to her God, that has built a mountain of peace and strength most souls never experience. The female speakers on the Christian circuit bring very little game to the table when compared to the depth of this woman (and I dont mean any disrespect here). Churches should clamor for her wisdom. But shes too busy serving in the background to get noticed. Perhaps most amazing is that her simple faith has been there since we met, and it taught me once I finally got smart enough to learn from her. Ive told the family for years that I better die first, or were all in trouble around here. They all heartily agree. The ministry has been both kind and harsh over the years, the finances often a bit short, and the turns of life have dealt their share of pain, mixed with the good. But not her. I always know what to expect - her respect, support and encouragement. Shed follow me to the precipice of hell if I asked her (there have been a few times when we thought we were close), and never be moved by the challenges. I cannot claim such loyalty - my propensity for trouble makes me a bit unpredictable, I guess. Most women would not want such a ride. She just buckles up and plans for the victory party. So, heres to the Elf Queen, who can make magic from the simplest resources; who never quits; who can pour calming oil on stormy waters; who stays so close to her Maker that she even talks like Him at times; who can bring renewal to an old house, a broken life, a young and confused soul; who kept her vow to a fiery young fool whod rather fight than switch, and showed him how to love over 34 years. Thanks wife. You are my queen. Your Humble Servant (sadly, not as humble as I should be)
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 00:01:30 +0000

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